The product arrived earlier than expected.
Assembly was relatively easy.
One of the best decisions Ive made this year.
The family loves it. Very Sturdy product.
I got the bed for my daughter she loves the bed the only reason I gave it a three star was because the bed came with some missing pieces so I had to alternate and come up with a creative idea to make up for the missing pieces three in total not major pieces but essential for the build Its good enough.
Definitely wouldnt buy again, cheap made, within first week a drawer broke. Otherwise my 15 yr old daughter loves it and it looks exactly like pictures Very easy to set up!
Loved them the color is great it took a bit to assemble the first one. We purchase two one of each child the second was rather easy. Love the storage and shelf I g is quite a bit to keep toys love the desk next to it and the fact that is retractable. My kids are still small 6 and 5 and they live the little hiding spot under the bed. I placed a pillow and a niche fluffy rug. Hope it lasts Works great!
I read all the reviews about how difficult this was to put together and I was reluctant. I had to get it anyways due to lack of room space the price was in our budget.
I would buy it again! Sturdy, did fine putting it together Im glad I bought it. My daughter loves it Very pleased!
The assembly instructions were extremely easy to follow. The quality of the wood could have been a little better. Plenty of storage space, one of my needs for my toddler with several toys in the room. Also made in america!!! Well made, easy to assemble and useful.
Assembly was a little confusing and there was a piece to the chest missing. I contacted the seller and a replacement chest was sent right out to me. I bought this bed for my grandson and its perfect, he loves it Solid and basic.
Had high hopes for this bed but unfortunately let me down. Overall the look is great however the Wood is cheap and its difficult to put together. Even after assembly the bed moves when climbing up and down; worries me that it will fall apart sooner than later. Needs improvement in quality. Just ok
Quality product at a great price
The product arrived earlier than expected. Assembly was relatively easy. One of the best decisions Ive made this year. The family loves it. Very Sturdy product.
Tremendous Value
Bought this for my daughter and though slightly delayed in shipping it was more than worth the wait. yes we like it.
Its an ok bed
I got the bed for my daughter she loves the bed the only reason I gave it a three star was because the bed came with some missing pieces so I had to alternate and come up with a creative idea to make up for the missing pieces three in total not major pieces but essential for the build Its good enough.
Its an okay buy
Definitely wouldnt buy again, cheap made, within first week a drawer broke. Otherwise my 15 yr old daughter loves it and it looks exactly like pictures Very easy to set up!
Loved them the color is great it took a bit to assemble the first one. We purchase two one of each child the second was rather easy. Love the storage and shelf I g is quite a bit to keep toys love the desk next to it and the fact that is retractable. My kids are still small 6 and 5 and they live the little hiding spot under the bed. I placed a pillow and a niche fluffy rug. Hope it lasts Works great!
Great for the
I read all the reviews about how difficult this was to put together and I was reluctant. I had to get it anyways due to lack of room space the price was in our budget. I would buy it again! Sturdy, did fine putting it together Im glad I bought it. My daughter loves it Very pleased!
Love it!
The assembly instructions were extremely easy to follow. The quality of the wood could have been a little better. Plenty of storage space, one of my needs for my toddler with several toys in the room. Also made in america!!! Well made, easy to assemble and useful.
Great seller
Assembly was a little confusing and there was a piece to the chest missing. I contacted the seller and a replacement chest was sent right out to me. I bought this bed for my grandson and its perfect, he loves it Solid and basic.
Great for Girls
My granddaughter loves it. Smaller than I expected.
Needs improvement
Had high hopes for this bed but unfortunately let me down. Overall the look is great however the Wood is cheap and its difficult to put together. Even after assembly the bed moves when climbing up and down; worries me that it will fall apart sooner than later. Needs improvement in quality. Just ok
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