I have had this product for a month and a half now and despite the reviews about its assembly complications, purchased it anyway. Just careful assembly is all you need, I was tired and had one of the frame pieces turned upside down, when I went to screw the last screw in for the ladder I realized I had it wrong and needed to tear half of the bed apart. With careful pry technique the center support brackets came off with ease. I bought this bed for my 5 year old daughter, who fell in love with it the moment she saw a second level bed. I weigh 175lbs and climbed onto the top bunk to assure its stability and I would feel comfortable sleeping with my daughter underneath me. Nice solid build. And I am considering purchasing another one here soon. Pay attention to the pictures!
I bought this set for my two oldest girls ages 4 5, they LOVE the bed and so do I! It is very sturdy and not bulky. My brother and fiancé put this together in about an hour, no issues what so ever. The fact that the beds can be separated into two twin beds is a huge plus. If taken care of properly Im sure these beds can last a long while or at least until the child out grows the bed. I purchased two regular twin size mattresses for the bunks, rather than getting a bunk bed mattress or cheap mattress that wouldnt last as long as a regular mattress. Great space between the two beds also, great investment and I highly recommend it! Love it
No sooner did we get 2 sets of these bunk beds that I found Walmart sells the exact same thing for 149 online with free shipping to the store. I always thought was the best deal in town excluding maybe winning a low bid on eBay. Anyway, putting aside that we paid too much for the bunk beds on , they do require a full days work to assemble: seemingly hundreds of small, different sizes of everything. The instructions call for a 9 top bunk mattress which is clearly too high for absolute certainly the child would not roll over the rail. The bunk bed is sturdy and the side rails perfectly high enough when using a 6 top mattress. so you get what you pay for.
I am really happy with this purchase. Though I am not able to use it one above the other due to less sturdiness, I am giving overall 4 stars. I initially planned to keep it one above the other, but after assembly, my daughter was afraid because of the movement of the top portion. She was not ready to sleep there hence I ended up using them as separate beds. ok value for the money
Great bed for the buck!
I have had this product for a month and a half now and despite the reviews about its assembly complications, purchased it anyway. Just careful assembly is all you need, I was tired and had one of the frame pieces turned upside down, when I went to screw the last screw in for the ladder I realized I had it wrong and needed to tear half of the bed apart. With careful pry technique the center support brackets came off with ease. I bought this bed for my 5 year old daughter, who fell in love with it the moment she saw a second level bed. I weigh 175lbs and climbed onto the top bunk to assure its stability and I would feel comfortable sleeping with my daughter underneath me. Nice solid build. And I am considering purchasing another one here soon. Pay attention to the pictures!
Great Beds!
I bought this set for my two oldest girls ages 4 5, they LOVE the bed and so do I! It is very sturdy and not bulky. My brother and fiancé put this together in about an hour, no issues what so ever. The fact that the beds can be separated into two twin beds is a huge plus. If taken care of properly Im sure these beds can last a long while or at least until the child out grows the bed. I purchased two regular twin size mattresses for the bunks, rather than getting a bunk bed mattress or cheap mattress that wouldnt last as long as a regular mattress. Great space between the two beds also, great investment and I highly recommend it! Love it
Why pay more when you can get it for less?
No sooner did we get 2 sets of these bunk beds that I found Walmart sells the exact same thing for 149 online with free shipping to the store. I always thought was the best deal in town excluding maybe winning a low bid on eBay. Anyway, putting aside that we paid too much for the bunk beds on , they do require a full days work to assemble: seemingly hundreds of small, different sizes of everything. The instructions call for a 9 top bunk mattress which is clearly too high for absolute certainly the child would not roll over the rail. The bunk bed is sturdy and the side rails perfectly high enough when using a 6 top mattress. so you get what you pay for.
Good for its price
Very good with reasonable price, easy to install but need at least 2 person to do that. We have no dislikes
medium stability
if I climb the ladder to make the bed, I'm a little afraid that it will tip over. I find the pieces a little light. It was packaged nicely
Good bed
Easy to put together. Durable. Works well. LOVE LOVE!!
Value of money
I am really happy with this purchase. Though I am not able to use it one above the other due to less sturdiness, I am giving overall 4 stars. I initially planned to keep it one above the other, but after assembly, my daughter was afraid because of the movement of the top portion. She was not ready to sleep there hence I ended up using them as separate beds. ok value for the money
Beautiful !
Absolutely love it! Well worth the money Value is good for the price
Horrible quality, holes dont line up or are missing and not easy to put up. So disappointed!
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