I love everything about this table. Instruction to assemble is easy to understand. It has a lot of parts but everything was complete and some packets have even more than what it should be. It took me about 2/3 hrs to assemble bit it was fun doing it. Delivery was fast. There were different options for sellers and im glad i picked the right one. Disnt have any single issue. The size is perfect for my dining room, not big nor small. The price is very cheap for the quality youre getting. It is alright.
We LOVE this TV stand. Arrived on time and is absolutely as advertised: great quality and very sturdy. It took my husband and me approximately 3 hours to put together. The directions were easy and precise. Very happy. Perfect for my teenager.
I assembled it myself, with just a helper to hold things in place for me. It says power tools arent needed, but theres a few parts where it expects you to screw directly into the wood, which is obviously WAY easier with a power drill than just a screwdriver. When you assemble the individual shelves, youll need to put a screw in a hole thats just a liiitle too small, which isnt a big deal except that theres a groove nearby, and trying to get the screw in would crack the wood into the groove. My solution was to use shorter screws than suggested. I cant remember now if screw R or S is the short one, but one of those is short and the other is longer. Since I had a few extra, I just substituted the shorter screws for this part.
Otherwise, assembly was very easy! Im not taking off a star for that since it wasnt too big of a deal and every other part was so easy. The finished sideboard also looks LOVELY and feels very sturdy. The box it was shipped in did look banged up, but nothing was damaged inside. Ive gotten tons of compliments from everyone whos seen it about how nice it looks, so it gets a 5 star review over all! Worth the price !!!
Very happy with this tv stand. It is taller than most which I like. I was a little skeptical when ordering and especially when it arrived in a box about 10 inches wide but it turned out to be a quality piece. It took about 3 hours to put together by myself but with help it would be much easier. The instructions were very clear with good pictures and when finished it is very sturdy. I am very happy with the purchase and would buy from this manufacturer again. this is good!
Same as picture. It was not that hard ti assemble.
However if you put a lot of force on tightening the pieces, they will break. Besides that we love it. Perfect and Sturdy.
Im in love with this table!
I love everything about this table. Instruction to assemble is easy to understand. It has a lot of parts but everything was complete and some packets have even more than what it should be. It took me about 2/3 hrs to assemble bit it was fun doing it. Delivery was fast. There were different options for sellers and im glad i picked the right one. Disnt have any single issue. The size is perfect for my dining room, not big nor small. The price is very cheap for the quality youre getting. It is alright.
Beautiful addition.
Perfect size and great quality. Not too hard to assemble. Just what I was looking for. Easy and strong.
Love this TV stand.
We LOVE this TV stand. Arrived on time and is absolutely as advertised: great quality and very sturdy. It took my husband and me approximately 3 hours to put together. The directions were easy and precise. Very happy. Perfect for my teenager.
Love it
Love my red console table. I am using it in my kitchen as a decorative table. Just the right height.
super nice!
I assembled it myself, with just a helper to hold things in place for me. It says power tools arent needed, but theres a few parts where it expects you to screw directly into the wood, which is obviously WAY easier with a power drill than just a screwdriver. When you assemble the individual shelves, youll need to put a screw in a hole thats just a liiitle too small, which isnt a big deal except that theres a groove nearby, and trying to get the screw in would crack the wood into the groove. My solution was to use shorter screws than suggested. I cant remember now if screw R or S is the short one, but one of those is short and the other is longer. Since I had a few extra, I just substituted the shorter screws for this part. Otherwise, assembly was very easy! Im not taking off a star for that since it wasnt too big of a deal and every other part was so easy. The finished sideboard also looks LOVELY and feels very sturdy. The box it was shipped in did look banged up, but nothing was damaged inside. Ive gotten tons of compliments from everyone whos seen it about how nice it looks, so it gets a 5 star review over all! Worth the price !!!
be careful with assembly
this item LOOKS as advertised after assembly,remember its not exactly heirloom quality.
Beautiful! Very sturdy.
Great piece of furniture!
Very happy with this tv stand. It is taller than most which I like. I was a little skeptical when ordering and especially when it arrived in a box about 10 inches wide but it turned out to be a quality piece. It took about 3 hours to put together by myself but with help it would be much easier. The instructions were very clear with good pictures and when finished it is very sturdy. I am very happy with the purchase and would buy from this manufacturer again. this is good!
Same as picture. It was not that hard ti assemble. However if you put a lot of force on tightening the pieces, they will break. Besides that we love it. Perfect and Sturdy.
Great piece of furniture for a great price
I have my coffee bar set up on this piece and Ive had so many compliments. Sturdy bar with lots of storage. Thanks!
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