Nice product. Takes time to put together. Perfection! My daughter loves it. The directions were very clear and it wasnt hard to put together by myself (Im not even handy!). The pieces are all clearly numbered! It was a big project to put together and probably would have gone a lot faster if I had a drill to screw everything in faster.
Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool! I love these beds. Bought them for my two daughters. Instead of having it as a bunk bed, I just fixed them separately. That way neither would fight over who gets top or whos get bottom bunk
nice!!! Wont disappoint you at all. This is a sturdy bed for our 5 year old and 7 year old to share.
When unpacking the pieces, we did notice a strong odor, so we put them in the bedroom with the windows cracked to let everything air out before assembly. Assembly is straightforward, but it does take two people. A power drill with hex attachment made things go much faster than the provided allen wrench.
My wife broke one of the pieces of this bed during assembly. The company shipped us a replacement part quickly and free of charge.
We would buy again.
You wont regret this purchase Needed bunkbeds for camp. This is perfect, rugged enough to hold an adult and it is a bit larger than expected so plenty of room. It was easy to put together. If your looking for something rugged and functional, this is the one.
This thing is AWESOME!! The bunk bed is absolutely beautiful. It arrived in about 6 days, all in one box. The box itself was very heavy, about 150 pounds. After opening the box, each piece is marked with a number. I read a lot of the reviews before my husband assembled the bunk bed. From start to finish, it was an hour and 15 minutes. He did use a drill with an Alan key bit... which if you value your time, you should use. Without it, it adds at least an hour to the time. Nothing was damaged, real heavy, sturdy wood. The quality you get for the price is amazing.
Beautiful product, excellent customer service Identical to the Better Homes and Gardens Leighton twin (available at ) for $179. Great bunk. Use a drill to get those hex screws good and tight. Bed is solid, doesnt budge.
This purchase says, I know what Im doing. Great bunk bed! The only thing I dont like that much is that my sons pillow fits through the hole and the head of the bottom bunk and falls out the back. Otherwise, its a very good product for the price!
Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool! Well made, all-wood bunk bed. This thing is a really nice solid bed, good room between beds when stacked as well. Its a bit of work to put together but only because its so solid, nice big screws and bolts that dig deep into the wooden parts. I have made a few bunks in my dad days and this is the best so far. My only concern might be the slats are quite spaced ( only 7 on each) but Ill give it a few nights and see if the kids complain. Arrived with some very minor dings but nothing Im concerned about, the box it comes in is well packed (and heavy!). Recommend this to anyone looking for a good solid set of twins. Oh also, if you configure for bunk beds you need to unscrew the ladder... Not the easiest thing but prefer it anyway. I had no problem assembling with occasional help to hold pieces together while a bolted them in.
very happy with it
Excellent, Stylish and safe very well made and beautiful product.
Functional and Cute. Not hard to assemble
Nice product. Takes time to put together. Perfection! My daughter loves it. The directions were very clear and it wasnt hard to put together by myself (Im not even handy!). The pieces are all clearly numbered! It was a big project to put together and probably would have gone a lot faster if I had a drill to screw everything in faster.
I love these beds
Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool! I love these beds. Bought them for my two daughters. Instead of having it as a bunk bed, I just fixed them separately. That way neither would fight over who gets top or whos get bottom bunk
This is a sturdy bed for our 5 year old and 7 year ...
nice!!! Wont disappoint you at all. This is a sturdy bed for our 5 year old and 7 year old to share. When unpacking the pieces, we did notice a strong odor, so we put them in the bedroom with the windows cracked to let everything air out before assembly. Assembly is straightforward, but it does take two people. A power drill with hex attachment made things go much faster than the provided allen wrench. My wife broke one of the pieces of this bed during assembly. The company shipped us a replacement part quickly and free of charge. We would buy again.
You wont regret this purchase Needed bunkbeds for camp. This is perfect, rugged enough to hold an adult and it is a bit larger than expected so plenty of room. It was easy to put together. If your looking for something rugged and functional, this is the one.
The bunk bed is absolutely beautiful. It arrived in about 6 days
This thing is AWESOME!! The bunk bed is absolutely beautiful. It arrived in about 6 days, all in one box. The box itself was very heavy, about 150 pounds. After opening the box, each piece is marked with a number. I read a lot of the reviews before my husband assembled the bunk bed. From start to finish, it was an hour and 15 minutes. He did use a drill with an Alan key bit... which if you value your time, you should use. Without it, it adds at least an hour to the time. Nothing was damaged, real heavy, sturdy wood. The quality you get for the price is amazing.
Five Stars - Great Bunk Bed
Look Great Reasonably Priced This bed is perfect for teenagers. Looks nice.....quality materials.. Easy to follow instructions. The kids love it
Same bunk, different seller at for $179
Beautiful product, excellent customer service Identical to the Better Homes and Gardens Leighton twin (available at ) for $179. Great bunk. Use a drill to get those hex screws good and tight. Bed is solid, doesnt budge.
Great bunk bed
This purchase says, I know what Im doing. Great bunk bed! The only thing I dont like that much is that my sons pillow fits through the hole and the head of the bottom bunk and falls out the back. Otherwise, its a very good product for the price!
Solid wood bunk set
Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool! Well made, all-wood bunk bed. This thing is a really nice solid bed, good room between beds when stacked as well. Its a bit of work to put together but only because its so solid, nice big screws and bolts that dig deep into the wooden parts. I have made a few bunks in my dad days and this is the best so far. My only concern might be the slats are quite spaced ( only 7 on each) but Ill give it a few nights and see if the kids complain. Arrived with some very minor dings but nothing Im concerned about, the box it comes in is well packed (and heavy!). Recommend this to anyone looking for a good solid set of twins. Oh also, if you configure for bunk beds you need to unscrew the ladder... Not the easiest thing but prefer it anyway. I had no problem assembling with occasional help to hold pieces together while a bolted them in.
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