I was very happy when this arrived. Super sturdy, I love the color, and it has so many pockets and its so nice inside. Very much looking forward to using this for my next flight.
I needed something small, lightweight, on wheels but also sturdy. This lil piece of luggage fits the bill. It maneuvers easily and is also cute. Only flaw is the handle tends to stick sporadically.
I needed last minute luggage and this set was perfect. The shipping was fast and its very sturdy. The reason I gave it 4 out of 5 stars...The locks that come with it are not sturdy at all. TSA opened the large suitcase and I had a broken lock when I picked up my bag. I will say that although lightweight, it does put your checked bag over the limit.
The way it moves
I love my new suit case it is very sturdy, light, and moves good without any problems.
Its real pretty
It serves the purpose in a little big way
Light weight Durable
Great purchase, exactly what I needed
I somehow managed to pack for a 5 day trip. Holds more than it looks. I love it. Very stylish.
great so far
so far so good ..only one car trip completed
Beautiful Bronze!!!
I am most pleased that this little Hardside is light weight and sturdy as well as compartment spacious. Looking forward to taking it on vacation!
Sturdy and pretty
I was very happy when this arrived. Super sturdy, I love the color, and it has so many pockets and its so nice inside. Very much looking forward to using this for my next flight.
Easy transport
This item is great you can pull it anywhere very easily because of the 4 wheels. Its roomy and the color is perfect!
Lightweight and Cute
I needed something small, lightweight, on wheels but also sturdy. This lil piece of luggage fits the bill. It maneuvers easily and is also cute. Only flaw is the handle tends to stick sporadically.
Great value
I needed last minute luggage and this set was perfect. The shipping was fast and its very sturdy. The reason I gave it 4 out of 5 stars...The locks that come with it are not sturdy at all. TSA opened the large suitcase and I had a broken lock when I picked up my bag. I will say that although lightweight, it does put your checked bag over the limit.
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