The quality of the bed frame is pretty good. The frame is thick and comes with a good head and foot rest. The frame is really sturdy and not flimsy like the previous ones that I have had. It was easy to assemble as well and comes with simple instructions to assemble. I have been using it for a few weeks now and I am completely satisfied
My daughter likes it. The only thing is its virtually impossible to actually see the frame when you put the mattress and pillows on. Its quite small. My daughters mattress is large and heavy so Im the regard of it being sturdy we are pleased.
I found it easy to assemble also loved the simple design. Pretty sturdy fits my queen mattress perfectly. Storage is really nothing but the floor space underneath so not really a feature but I wasnt looking for it so Im good with the quality build fluid instructions to assemble.
This frame is easy to install, came with all instructions needed to put it together, this frame is very sturdy. Took me about 30 minute to put it together by myself.
Bought this for my daughters room. She absolutely loved the look of it. Its pretty sturdy and was easy to assemble. I did it alone in about 30 mins.. Great value item..
The bed arrived earlier than the delivery date shown while ordering. For bed, the packaging box was not that big but it was heavy; was surprised to see all the parts in comparatively small box. Specially the small parts like screws/washers were nicely packed and I got a pictorial instructions for assembling. The finish quality of main legs are good. It took me around 45minutes to 1-hours to assemble it with the help of my spouse. After assembly, bed frame is sturdy. Overall nice frame.
The frame is very sturdy and neat. Assembly is pretty easy and instructions were clear. Team lift is required. Color coat is rich and lega are strong. It goes good with any color mattress. My friend recommended this to me and I highly recommend this product.
Great firm bed frame
The quality of the bed frame is pretty good. The frame is thick and comes with a good head and foot rest. The frame is really sturdy and not flimsy like the previous ones that I have had. It was easy to assemble as well and comes with simple instructions to assemble. I have been using it for a few weeks now and I am completely satisfied
It seems sturdy
My daughter likes it. The only thing is its virtually impossible to actually see the frame when you put the mattress and pillows on. Its quite small. My daughters mattress is large and heavy so Im the regard of it being sturdy we are pleased.
Worth every penny
It was very easy to put together. Also sits high off the ground. There was a manufactures error on the middle pole but other than good good value.
Nicely built
I found it easy to assemble also loved the simple design. Pretty sturdy fits my queen mattress perfectly. Storage is really nothing but the floor space underneath so not really a feature but I wasnt looking for it so Im good with the quality build fluid instructions to assemble.
Worth it!!
easy to assemble and light weight. fits perfectly for the mattress
Easy to install.!!
This frame is easy to install, came with all instructions needed to put it together, this frame is very sturdy. Took me about 30 minute to put it together by myself.
Sturdy enough and looks great
Bought this for my daughters room. She absolutely loved the look of it. Its pretty sturdy and was easy to assemble. I did it alone in about 30 mins.. Great value item..
Sturdy frame with good paint finish.
The bed arrived earlier than the delivery date shown while ordering. For bed, the packaging box was not that big but it was heavy; was surprised to see all the parts in comparatively small box. Specially the small parts like screws/washers were nicely packed and I got a pictorial instructions for assembling. The finish quality of main legs are good. It took me around 45minutes to 1-hours to assemble it with the help of my spouse. After assembly, bed frame is sturdy. Overall nice frame.
Most sturdy and durable frame
The frame is very sturdy and neat. Assembly is pretty easy and instructions were clear. Team lift is required. Color coat is rich and lega are strong. It goes good with any color mattress. My friend recommended this to me and I highly recommend this product.
Easy to assemble and sturdy
Worth for the price and the product is very sturdy, instructions are very clear which makes it to assemble quickly.
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