Product is great and I get a bunch of compliments on it. The only issue was that one of the legs was difficult to assemble. I ended up leaving a screw out of the assembly but the chair seems stable. Well made, easy to assemble and useful.
Love the chair! I bought 3. Looks more like a off white color which is what I was going for. Was trying to get as close to white as possible. Look great and comfortable! Solid and basic.
Came in a light, reasonable/sized box. Had a little trouble putting it together but with a second person we eventually got it aligned up. Once constructed, the chair seems sturdy. In appearance and comfort, you get what you pay for: slightly wrinkled seams, edges where its clear multiple sections were combined in a mail/order chair, underfilled cushions. In the corner of a bedroom when usually covered in pillows or clothes / it serves its purchase. But I personally would not use it in a formal living room. I added a star due to the reasonable price (including Prime shipping). By the way, this seller offers a 30 gift card after purchase, but only if you change your rating to 5 stars. Nice well made.
This chair is very comfortable and the perfect piece to complete our living room. The direction were a little challenging to follow, but with some trial, error, and common sense you can easily put the legs in the right place. I recommend this chair to all of our guests who have the pleasure to sit in it. Quality products.
Very easy to assemble. Very sturdy. I chose this chair for my mid century modern home. Very happy with the color.
Paired with target ottoman Nice product.
This chair is aming! It looks so nice among my other furnitures. It is comfortable and did not long to assembly. I am really happy with this chair. Really Worth it..
I ordered the grey accent chair. The assembly of the chair was very simple and took about 30 mins. The chair is comfortable to sit at and looks exactly as in the pictures. Recommend these buying these chairs. Not so bad.
The chairs look nice in our room, the off/white color is what we were looking for. An improvement I would suggest is a softer and thicker seat cushion. Also I would recommend placing a pillow or cushion for the backrest, as it doesnt have any cushion as is. My son loves it!!
Great chair, some difficulty with assembly
Product is great and I get a bunch of compliments on it. The only issue was that one of the legs was difficult to assemble. I ended up leaving a screw out of the assembly but the chair seems stable. Well made, easy to assemble and useful.
Looks great!
Love the chair! I bought 3. Looks more like a off white color which is what I was going for. Was trying to get as close to white as possible. Look great and comfortable! Solid and basic.
It is very firm to sit on which I wanted. It was a little hard for me to put together myself.
Family room chair Smaller than I expected.
Just OK
Came in a light, reasonable/sized box. Had a little trouble putting it together but with a second person we eventually got it aligned up. Once constructed, the chair seems sturdy. In appearance and comfort, you get what you pay for: slightly wrinkled seams, edges where its clear multiple sections were combined in a mail/order chair, underfilled cushions. In the corner of a bedroom when usually covered in pillows or clothes / it serves its purchase. But I personally would not use it in a formal living room. I added a star due to the reasonable price (including Prime shipping). By the way, this seller offers a 30 gift card after purchase, but only if you change your rating to 5 stars. Nice well made.
Great deal on great chair!
This chair is very comfortable and the perfect piece to complete our living room. The direction were a little challenging to follow, but with some trial, error, and common sense you can easily put the legs in the right place. I recommend this chair to all of our guests who have the pleasure to sit in it. Quality products.
Beautiful chair
Very easy to assemble. Very sturdy. I chose this chair for my mid century modern home. Very happy with the color. Paired with target ottoman Nice product.
I ordered two, only found instructions in one.
Relatively comfortable, will need lumbar support but otherwise good for a small space. Pretty sturdy. Good size.
This chair is aming! It looks so nice among my other furnitures. It is comfortable and did not long to assembly. I am really happy with this chair. Really Worth it..
Comfortable and nice style chairs
I ordered the grey accent chair. The assembly of the chair was very simple and took about 30 mins. The chair is comfortable to sit at and looks exactly as in the pictures. Recommend these buying these chairs. Not so bad.
Nice Looking Armchairs
The chairs look nice in our room, the off/white color is what we were looking for. An improvement I would suggest is a softer and thicker seat cushion. Also I would recommend placing a pillow or cushion for the backrest, as it doesnt have any cushion as is. My son loves it!!
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