I was looking for a bed for my 8 year old daughter but I also didnt want to spend a fortune. This is 100 worth it! Weve had it for 4 months now with no issues at all. Yes, Its great. loves it.
I like the style of the bed. The openness is nice for a smaller room. It does tend to make it less sturdy then one with closed ends. My daughter is on the heavier end of the spectrum for this bed and it does move some when she rolls over. The quality of the wood is not great. There were some dings and blemishes in the wood that are not from shipping as you can tell they are painted over. There were two pieces damaged, but not to the extend that we could not put it together. We have ordered replacements, but so far have not received them. The company seems helpful on getting the parts, it is just taking a while. Overall we like the bed and it works perfect for where we need it. It is also nice that the ladder can move to either end, depending on where you need it. it took about 2.5 to 3 hours for assembly, but I expected about that amount of time. It does give my daughter a lot more room in her bedroom as her desk now fits under her bed. Beautiful and Sturdy.
No problem assembling with two adults. Instructions are clear and nuts and bolts are labeled and numbered, so there is no confusion as to where to use each piece, which is nice. The package arrived in poor condition but the product inside was fine. Overall pretty sturdy and well designed. It works.
Ten year old daughter LOVES this bed, not as sturdy as I would like as it does creak a little. But, it is very pretty and comments her bedroom well. It does smell for a couple days but the smell goes away after being aired out. LOTS of room under the bed itself. Works well.
We bought two of these for our young teen daughters. I am very happy with our purchase. My husband and I put both together in just a few hours. I was comfortable being up on the top and moved around a bit. They are sturdy. The side rail doesnt come up a ton over the mattress, but that is ok because our girls are older. I would be a bit hesitant to put our 5 year old up there without a taller rail, just in case. Overall, I am very happy with these. Good Product.
Easy to assemble and the bed is sturdy. I added a 1/2 sheet of plywood on top of the wooden planks used to support the mattress. With that we could use a foam mattress instead of a box spring. Perfect.
This was exactly what my daughter wanted. Fairly easy to put together, though 2 people are needed for some parts.
A piece was broken when we took it out of the box. Called the number in the instructions but it was a Sunday so they were closed. Went to the website where I was able to fill out a replacement part request. Within a few hours I was contacted by email for proof of purchase. A new part was sent out the next day, Monday, and it came on Thursday.
A nice, sturdy bed. Good for the price. He loves it.
Worth the money
I was looking for a bed for my 8 year old daughter but I also didnt want to spend a fortune. This is 100 worth it! Weve had it for 4 months now with no issues at all. Yes, Its great. loves it.
Great product. Well made and looks aming!! Like!
Nicely designed bed that works well in the space we have.
I like the style of the bed. The openness is nice for a smaller room. It does tend to make it less sturdy then one with closed ends. My daughter is on the heavier end of the spectrum for this bed and it does move some when she rolls over. The quality of the wood is not great. There were some dings and blemishes in the wood that are not from shipping as you can tell they are painted over. There were two pieces damaged, but not to the extend that we could not put it together. We have ordered replacements, but so far have not received them. The company seems helpful on getting the parts, it is just taking a while. Overall we like the bed and it works perfect for where we need it. It is also nice that the ladder can move to either end, depending on where you need it. it took about 2.5 to 3 hours for assembly, but I expected about that amount of time. It does give my daughter a lot more room in her bedroom as her desk now fits under her bed. Beautiful and Sturdy.
Needs two adults to assemble
No problem assembling with two adults. Instructions are clear and nuts and bolts are labeled and numbered, so there is no confusion as to where to use each piece, which is nice. The package arrived in poor condition but the product inside was fine. Overall pretty sturdy and well designed. It works.
Exactly as pictured!
Ten year old daughter LOVES this bed, not as sturdy as I would like as it does creak a little. But, it is very pretty and comments her bedroom well. It does smell for a couple days but the smell goes away after being aired out. LOTS of room under the bed itself. Works well.
So far so good!
We bought two of these for our young teen daughters. I am very happy with our purchase. My husband and I put both together in just a few hours. I was comfortable being up on the top and moved around a bit. They are sturdy. The side rail doesnt come up a ton over the mattress, but that is ok because our girls are older. I would be a bit hesitant to put our 5 year old up there without a taller rail, just in case. Overall, I am very happy with these. Good Product.
Kids love the bed!
Easy to assemble and the bed is sturdy. I added a 1/2 sheet of plywood on top of the wooden planks used to support the mattress. With that we could use a foam mattress instead of a box spring. Perfect.
The bed was delivered. It didnt get lost. It says it may be lost. Easy set up.
Very well satisfied with purchase. Daughter loves it as well. Cute.
Great customer service
This was exactly what my daughter wanted. Fairly easy to put together, though 2 people are needed for some parts. A piece was broken when we took it out of the box. Called the number in the instructions but it was a Sunday so they were closed. Went to the website where I was able to fill out a replacement part request. Within a few hours I was contacted by email for proof of purchase. A new part was sent out the next day, Monday, and it came on Thursday. A nice, sturdy bed. Good for the price. He loves it.
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