WE purchased this bed for my daughter. It was very reasonably priced and very sturdy once assembled. Assembly was difficult and took a long time. The cheap allen wrench that came with the assembly only jasted about 5 bolts before it rounded. Other than that we are very happy with the product. Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
Very nice queen bed frame. It does take a little while to put together but it is very sturdy and doesnt really make any noise. Has plenty of room under it for storage or to loose shoes if your me. Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
It started with a delayed delivery. Then when the box was delivered, there was no notification of it being done. The box had more tape on it than the tape isle at Staples. So, needless to say, I was a little nervous opening up the box. Everything appeared to be present, so I began the assembly process. The directions could have been a tad bit bigger, a little difficult to read. I was disappointed with the contact paper wood I had to re glue a couple corners that had begun to peel. The photo shows the bent piece that I had to straighten and the side rail that had a nice little bow to it. Would I buy another, no. Did I get what I paid for, maybe. I was hoping for just a little bit more. Good but could be better
Nice Bed
WE purchased this bed for my daughter. It was very reasonably priced and very sturdy once assembled. Assembly was difficult and took a long time. The cheap allen wrench that came with the assembly only jasted about 5 bolts before it rounded. Other than that we are very happy with the product. Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
Nice bed
Very nice, matches our bedroom. Would buy again! Functional design
Nice bed but no assembly instructions included
There were no instructions in the box, we spent an hour or more trying to assemble it Good and inexpensive
Nice bed frame
It looks great for the price just takes a while to put together I like this one.
Nice frame
Took a while to assemble, nice bed frame. Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
Nice frame
Very nice queen bed frame. It does take a little while to put together but it is very sturdy and doesnt really make any noise. Has plenty of room under it for storage or to loose shoes if your me. Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
Nice Quiet bed!
Pleasantly surprised how sturdy and well designed this it. Assembly was very easy. Its well worth the money. Style and purpose
Not sturdy
Not stable so you get what you pay for.
Once upon a mattress
It started with a delayed delivery. Then when the box was delivered, there was no notification of it being done. The box had more tape on it than the tape isle at Staples. So, needless to say, I was a little nervous opening up the box. Everything appeared to be present, so I began the assembly process. The directions could have been a tad bit bigger, a little difficult to read. I was disappointed with the contact paper wood I had to re glue a couple corners that had begun to peel. The photo shows the bent piece that I had to straighten and the side rail that had a nice little bow to it. Would I buy another, no. Did I get what I paid for, maybe. I was hoping for just a little bit more. Good but could be better
Other than the time it takes to put together with all the parts the bed frame is good quality
Its a good frame,BUT with many parts Decent for the price
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