Shipping was fast and assembly was a little confusing at first but not too difficult! Got it up in a little over an hour. The kids love it. Size is absolutely perfect! The color is beautiful! Im a very happy customer
Its the perfect size for my 4 year old and 18mo. Old. I dont have to worry about the little one falling off and its very sturdy. It was pretty easy to assemble (my husband and I did it) and did not take us much time. I didnt want to pay much since I know Ill eventually have to get different beds so for the price you really do get your moneys worth.
Easy to put together Nice bed! Perfect for my 5 and 6 year old boys. Cons are the instructions were terrible, not all of the pieces were labeled. Took 4-5 hours to build and wood was a little warped.
Delivery was on time and the packaging was good. Took my husband and I +2 kids 3 hours to put together. This bed does not feel sturdy at all. Im afraid that if my child bounces too hard to get on the bed it will break! I love the look of it but well see how long it actually lasts. For the price I was hoping for a little better quality.
We absolutely love this!!!! Sturdy bed and will make an adorable bed for my grandson and a fort.
The instructions could have been a little better but I was able to put together myself. Took about 2 and a half hours
So easy to put together for someone as mechanically challenged as I am. My almost 3 year old loves his bed and I have to comfort of him being lower to the ground than a typical bunk bed. I also love the fact that we have space for our 1 year old that is safe, for when he is ready to transition into a bigger bed. My husband, 9 year old and 6 year old were able to put this together in under 2 hours, but the extra hands were definitely needed.
For the price it is a reasonable buy My husband and I built this in about an hour. Instructions were pretty clear, all pieces had labels. I loved the color and smell of pine. Very good buy in my opinion my boys loved their new bed.
Good buy
Shipping was fast and assembly was a little confusing at first but not too difficult! Got it up in a little over an hour. The kids love it. Size is absolutely perfect! The color is beautiful! Im a very happy customer
Great bunk for the price!
Its the perfect size for my 4 year old and 18mo. Old. I dont have to worry about the little one falling off and its very sturdy. It was pretty easy to assemble (my husband and I did it) and did not take us much time. I didnt want to pay much since I know Ill eventually have to get different beds so for the price you really do get your moneys worth.
Good bed Long Assembly
Easy to put together Nice bed! Perfect for my 5 and 6 year old boys. Cons are the instructions were terrible, not all of the pieces were labeled. Took 4-5 hours to build and wood was a little warped.
Its worth every penny. Smart buy. I like how low the bed is, the quality for the price.
Looks great but does not feel sturdy
Delivery was on time and the packaging was good. Took my husband and I +2 kids 3 hours to put together. This bed does not feel sturdy at all. Im afraid that if my child bounces too hard to get on the bed it will break! I love the look of it but well see how long it actually lasts. For the price I was hoping for a little better quality.
Decent product for children.
We absolutely love this!!!! Sturdy bed and will make an adorable bed for my grandson and a fort. The instructions could have been a little better but I was able to put together myself. Took about 2 and a half hours
Son loves his new bed
So easy to put together for someone as mechanically challenged as I am. My almost 3 year old loves his bed and I have to comfort of him being lower to the ground than a typical bunk bed. I also love the fact that we have space for our 1 year old that is safe, for when he is ready to transition into a bigger bed. My husband, 9 year old and 6 year old were able to put this together in under 2 hours, but the extra hands were definitely needed.
Solid low bunk!
JUst as described and pictured Boys absolutely love it. Took a couple of hours to build and pretty straightforward! Super sturdy and low!
This bed is so cute for my 4 and 2 year old sister and brother. We do have a cracked piece but its not a support piece so we went ahead with assembly.
Two people needed to put together.
For the price it is a reasonable buy My husband and I built this in about an hour. Instructions were pretty clear, all pieces had labels. I loved the color and smell of pine. Very good buy in my opinion my boys loved their new bed.
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