I was hesitant to buy this based off some of the reviews and truthfully I wish I never had been.
This bunk bed is VERY easy to assemble, my husband did it alone in under two hours. Its lightweight but overall very sturdy. The shipping was also extremely fast and came much earlier than anticipated! My kids are obsessed and for the money you cant beat it. I would definitely buy again.
Love this bed! Love how low it is. It doesnt make me nervous to send my 3 year old to bed on the top. Easy for him to climb down, even in the middle of the night. Was easy to put together as well. Im happy with my purchase
Love it once it was together. Did take about 3 hours to put it together if you only have one person doing it. But well worth it once its together. Pretty comfy for the price
Its solid, but the parts were mixed up. I got two bags of 6 instead of a 6 and a 9. I had the bolts necessary on hand. It took me a while to figure out what was going on. It was frustrating. If I hadnt had the parts close by it would have been really inconvenient.
I checked the parts first, I didnt notice the mistake either, so its understandable that it happens sometimes. Highly recommend
It took a couple of days to assemble, each part had to be put together with an hex wrench but its together and she loves it. I think we will have about a year in it! Well made and comfy!
This bunk bed is super cute and is a good buy. It is pretty good quality. It came in two heavy boxes and was delivered quickly. It is sturdy and looks cool. My 6 year old daughter LOVES it. I went to Home Depot and bought 1/2 plywood to screw to the slats under the mattress which really firms up where the mattress is. It is definitely a two person build.
The bed looks even more aming for my daughter with the added lights I wrapped around the posts.
Tip I would definitely recommend is I used a ratchet instead of the horrible L shaped wrench they provide. The ratchet made it way easier to tighten the long screws.
Overall it is a good buy for the price. it is the best product.
It took over 4 hours to assemble for me and my husband. My daughter loves it, however, I find it a little wobbly when she moves around on the top bunk. Decent quality for price. No complaints, really happy
Kids love it
However a two of the wood pieces where badly damaged with cracks. Luckily it was still salvageable with some wood glue.
I was hesitant to buy this based off some of the reviews and truthfully I wish I never had been. This bunk bed is VERY easy to assemble, my husband did it alone in under two hours. Its lightweight but overall very sturdy. The shipping was also extremely fast and came much earlier than anticipated! My kids are obsessed and for the money you cant beat it. I would definitely buy again.
Its beautiful
Its a beautiful bed. The instructions could have been better. so beautiful and wonderful
Great bunk for small space!
Love this bed! Love how low it is. It doesnt make me nervous to send my 3 year old to bed on the top. Easy for him to climb down, even in the middle of the night. Was easy to put together as well. Im happy with my purchase
Love it once it was together. Did take about 3 hours to put it together if you only have one person doing it. But well worth it once its together. Pretty comfy for the price
Make sure parts are there before you start.
Its solid, but the parts were mixed up. I got two bags of 6 instead of a 6 and a 9. I had the bolts necessary on hand. It took me a while to figure out what was going on. It was frustrating. If I hadnt had the parts close by it would have been really inconvenient. I checked the parts first, I didnt notice the mistake either, so its understandable that it happens sometimes. Highly recommend
Bunkbed is great low to ground for younger ones.
great idea with bottom bunk on ground and top bunk lower. Grandkids love it in their playroom. Quality seems to be good so far
Tough to put together but worth it for the smiles!
It took a couple of days to assemble, each part had to be put together with an hex wrench but its together and she loves it. I think we will have about a year in it! Well made and comfy!
Its a great bunk bed for the price
This bunk bed is super cute and is a good buy. It is pretty good quality. It came in two heavy boxes and was delivered quickly. It is sturdy and looks cool. My 6 year old daughter LOVES it. I went to Home Depot and bought 1/2 plywood to screw to the slats under the mattress which really firms up where the mattress is. It is definitely a two person build. The bed looks even more aming for my daughter with the added lights I wrapped around the posts. Tip I would definitely recommend is I used a ratchet instead of the horrible L shaped wrench they provide. The ratchet made it way easier to tighten the long screws. Overall it is a good buy for the price. it is the best product.
Decent Quality for Price
It took over 4 hours to assemble for me and my husband. My daughter loves it, however, I find it a little wobbly when she moves around on the top bunk. Decent quality for price. No complaints, really happy
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