Good bed. Easy to assemble. My daughter loves it. Great for when she has a friend sleep over. Only bad thing it took forever to get delivered. Two boxes, first one came about 4 weeks late, even got a notice saying it may be lost. Second box came a week after the first. My son loves it!!
Its was not to hard to put together. I used my drill though I personally hate those Allen key screws Its what you pay for Every works well my daughter loves it. Very well made.
Lots of pieces and hardware, took 2 hours to assemble by myself. Not as sturdy as I hoped. Overall negative aspect is that all the screws are visible Overall good.
We upgraded our 7 year old from a small loft bed to this she absolutely loves it! We have carpet the trundle rolls great on it. It was not hard to put together either. The only thing is that I wish we were sent some white stickers to cover the screws on the top of the headboard footboard. I didnt notice them right away in the picture, but it would not have changed my decision on purchasing the bed. The bed is very sturdy everything came packaged great! This item is good! Satisfied.
I like that only took 1 and a half hours to put together. The bed is not sturdy enough handle a heavy set child.i got what paid for value was good. Well made and packaged.
Overall I do love this bed. It is a space saver with the extra bed and the 3 small storage drawers. Some of the wood was split, and of course the top part of the front bottom bed frame was slightly damaged possibly during shipping. The bottom drawers were hard to assemble only because of sliding them on the track pass the safety feature. May be helpful to add on the instructions that it is okay to give some extra force to push pass the feature. Otherwise the princess loves it and it was still worth the money. Hope this helps. Good quality.
I love love love this trundle. It was more or less easy to put together. Everything had stickers that labeled it. Some came off but if you can use deductive reasoning and the directions you can figure it out. My only real gripe with this set up was the drawers. Idk if anyone else had trouble with these but I couldnt get one to slide in and ended up breaking it hit Im going to e6000 it and in all of them the screws dont hold super well so I would recommend would glue along with nailing them in. Value for money.
Make sure your second mattress is thin enough
Easy to assemble. Had to buy another twin mattress because the second one I have is to bulky. Need to have a thinner bed to pull out. Really Worth it
Worth the money. 6 months old no issues yet
Definitely a good value for money. Its a little cheap on the side boards but holds and moves well! Not so bad.
Good bed, terrible shipping
Good bed. Easy to assemble. My daughter loves it. Great for when she has a friend sleep over. Only bad thing it took forever to get delivered. Two boxes, first one came about 4 weeks late, even got a notice saying it may be lost. Second box came a week after the first. My son loves it!!
Get what u pay for
Its was not to hard to put together. I used my drill though I personally hate those Allen key screws Its what you pay for Every works well my daughter loves it. Very well made.
It is what it is
Lots of pieces and hardware, took 2 hours to assemble by myself. Not as sturdy as I hoped. Overall negative aspect is that all the screws are visible Overall good.
Great bed!
We upgraded our 7 year old from a small loft bed to this she absolutely loves it! We have carpet the trundle rolls great on it. It was not hard to put together either. The only thing is that I wish we were sent some white stickers to cover the screws on the top of the headboard footboard. I didnt notice them right away in the picture, but it would not have changed my decision on purchasing the bed. The bed is very sturdy everything came packaged great! This item is good! Satisfied.
Lids should not jump on the trundle the base will break.
I like that only took 1 and a half hours to put together. The bed is not sturdy enough handle a heavy set child.i got what paid for value was good. Well made and packaged.
Love this bed some minor issues
Overall I do love this bed. It is a space saver with the extra bed and the 3 small storage drawers. Some of the wood was split, and of course the top part of the front bottom bed frame was slightly damaged possibly during shipping. The bottom drawers were hard to assemble only because of sliding them on the track pass the safety feature. May be helpful to add on the instructions that it is okay to give some extra force to push pass the feature. Otherwise the princess loves it and it was still worth the money. Hope this helps. Good quality.
Drawers are tricky to slide in
I love love love this trundle. It was more or less easy to put together. Everything had stickers that labeled it. Some came off but if you can use deductive reasoning and the directions you can figure it out. My only real gripe with this set up was the drawers. Idk if anyone else had trouble with these but I couldnt get one to slide in and ended up breaking it hit Im going to e6000 it and in all of them the screws dont hold super well so I would recommend would glue along with nailing them in. Value for money.
my boys love them
came sooner than i thought Great!
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