We bought this for our son after we dismantled the bunk bed he and his brother were using.
This is basic twin size bed frame without a head/footboard but it squeakes terribly. Also, the leg in the middle gets in the way when you change the sheets and Im constantly bumping into it but my son doesnt seem to have a problem.
Bought for my granddaughter. The traditional box spring wouldnt fit up the stairs. This was a great alternative. It was easy to assemble with no tools. Great value. this is good!
This frame unfolded and assembled with ease, and gives great support to my mattress. Between this frame and the new mattress, Ive been sleeping better and feel great. Perfect and Sturdy.
This frame was so easy to set up and folds up quickly for traveling. We are using it in our cargo/camper and these were important features. Very pleased with the solid construction. We are using an air mattress so just for good measure we put a couple pieces of cardboard on the frame before the mattress. Takes up less space.
Platform Bed
cute. Nothing to hate, easy to set up looks just like picture.
Basic frame
Yes, Its great. loves it. Im a big guy and this frame has been solid. One star taken off because it does get a little squeaky after some use.
ok bed frame but very squeaky
We bought this for our son after we dismantled the bunk bed he and his brother were using. This is basic twin size bed frame without a head/footboard but it squeakes terribly. Also, the leg in the middle gets in the way when you change the sheets and Im constantly bumping into it but my son doesnt seem to have a problem.
Sturdy frame
Like! The quickness of the ensemble of the unit. It was purchased for a king bed.
Platform bed frame.
Bought for my granddaughter. The traditional box spring wouldnt fit up the stairs. This was a great alternative. It was easy to assemble with no tools. Great value. this is good!
Awesome Product
This frame unfolded and assembled with ease, and gives great support to my mattress. Between this frame and the new mattress, Ive been sleeping better and feel great. Perfect and Sturdy.
Sturdy and easy to assemble!
Perfect for my sons bedroom! Thanks!
Bed frame
Very easy to put together Price was right for the quality No problems Very easy to assemble!
Good sleeping
This frame was so easy to set up and folds up quickly for traveling. We are using it in our cargo/camper and these were important features. Very pleased with the solid construction. We are using an air mattress so just for good measure we put a couple pieces of cardboard on the frame before the mattress. Takes up less space.
Its good!
Good product for the price very stable.
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