This is the chair that I needed for my quadriplegic child. Easy to assemble and easy to use. The footstool come out easily so I can move the Boyer lift under to transfer my child safely in and out of the seat. It was a little hard, so I put some padding on top. However it is perfect for turning my child over to change diapers, and it is so sturdy, it doesnt move around.
Then there is the excellent customer service. One of the arms screw holes was put in wrong. I contacted the customer service through the app, and they sent me the replacement parts after I sent them photos. In fact a whole box set to replace the arm. Terrific.
Great chair for those who like a firm seat. One thing to mention, my child is only around a 100 lbs, that is why this chair works well for her as a medical chair. For normal adults, pay attention to the weight max.
we bought 2 separately, the first one had issues with bolts lining up with holes and it seemed light when working the backing into the various positions but we liked how it fit into our low use guest room and so bought a second chair. this one went together better and overall its working out ok
Bought this chair for my son and he absolutely loved it. Folds down into a large enough area for a teen to sleep comfortably. Perfect for friends who stay over also. Love the functionality of it. Reached out to customer service and they were extremely helpful with assembly questions. Great chair for multiple possible uses... and if you are looking to use it primarily as a bed, you can easily get a mattress pad to place on top of the chair when it is flat for extra sleep comfort.
The chair was fairly easy to put together but definitely takes two people. The back is at an odd angle making it uncomfortable especially because there is no support for your neck. I dont think an adult would be comfortable sleeping on it but would be ok for a small child to sleep on.
The middle bolt hole to attach the arm to the chair was not in the correct spot. My husband had to use a wood screw to attach this area. A friend has also purchased this chair and didnt have any issues. We are enjoying the chair very much.
This is an updated review. We had issues with assembly and the USB. Customer service was great and resolved our issues quickly.
It is very comfortable and sturdy. Will be purchasing another in the near future.
I bought this so my mother could sleep in my main floor office. Im not great at assembly but I got it done. Good directions. Its very sturdy and mom says its comfortable. Total win!
Just what I needed
This is the chair that I needed for my quadriplegic child. Easy to assemble and easy to use. The footstool come out easily so I can move the Boyer lift under to transfer my child safely in and out of the seat. It was a little hard, so I put some padding on top. However it is perfect for turning my child over to change diapers, and it is so sturdy, it doesnt move around. Then there is the excellent customer service. One of the arms screw holes was put in wrong. I contacted the customer service through the app, and they sent me the replacement parts after I sent them photos. In fact a whole box set to replace the arm. Terrific. Great chair for those who like a firm seat. One thing to mention, my child is only around a 100 lbs, that is why this chair works well for her as a medical chair. For normal adults, pay attention to the weight max.
Great for small space
Wanted something that could fit in my home office that was also relaxing for lunch breaks and/or visitors. So far so good!!
okay for what it is
we bought 2 separately, the first one had issues with bolts lining up with holes and it seemed light when working the backing into the various positions but we liked how it fit into our low use guest room and so bought a second chair. this one went together better and overall its working out ok
Awesome customer service
Bought this chair for my son and he absolutely loved it. Folds down into a large enough area for a teen to sleep comfortably. Perfect for friends who stay over also. Love the functionality of it. Reached out to customer service and they were extremely helpful with assembly questions. Great chair for multiple possible uses... and if you are looking to use it primarily as a bed, you can easily get a mattress pad to place on top of the chair when it is flat for extra sleep comfort.
Great Chair/sleeper
Got this for my 3 year old great grandson. He took right to it. Also very easy to put back down.
Okay for the money
The chair was fairly easy to put together but definitely takes two people. The back is at an odd angle making it uncomfortable especially because there is no support for your neck. I dont think an adult would be comfortable sleeping on it but would be ok for a small child to sleep on.
Chair for small space
Very nice chair/bed for my small apartment. Great seller, helped me figure out assembly.
a small glitch
The middle bolt hole to attach the arm to the chair was not in the correct spot. My husband had to use a wood screw to attach this area. A friend has also purchased this chair and didnt have any issues. We are enjoying the chair very much.
Happy with this chair
This is an updated review. We had issues with assembly and the USB. Customer service was great and resolved our issues quickly. It is very comfortable and sturdy. Will be purchasing another in the near future.
Exactly what I wanted
I bought this so my mother could sleep in my main floor office. Im not great at assembly but I got it done. Good directions. Its very sturdy and mom says its comfortable. Total win!
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