This cabinet exceeded my expectations. It was easy to assemble by myself, although it did take me a couple of hours. It was much sturdier than I expected. It perfectly fit everything I hoped it would.
As long as you follow the directions, the assembly is fairly easy. It is more sturdy than I anticipated, which is a great thing, although I wish it was a little larger. Overall I am very satisfied with the product.
Terrible instructions. There was 1 step to put screw on both sides of one board but then a later step needs you to add more screws on one side. It was very difficult to manage since i couldn’t lay it flat because there were screws on the other side already.
It took 2 1/2 hours to put together and has numerous. Two days before my husband put together a much bigger cabinet with a lot less parts to put it together.
Hair dryer, pads, and edge of a dog for scale. I really like this, all things considered! It doesnt feel cheap, and there is plenty of storage space. However, its much too small to keep my towels in, which is half the reason I bought it. Two bath towels completely fill up the space between two shelves, and you have to smush them in or the door wont latch. For the price, I do wish it were half again bigger. But again, it feels sturdy and looks very nice. Not difficult to put together at all.
I live in a house with two coat closets for storage. I needed storage. Pros- it turned out looking relatively nice. Does hold what I needed it too. Changed out the knob to match my own decor.
Cons - pieces don’t just fit…once you start assembling you have to force the pieces together which causes stress on the particle board resulting in damage. It does not just slide into place AT ALL. There are A LOT of pieces. I wasn’t pleased that putting it together caused damage but fortunately most of it is hidden inside.
Exceeded expectations
This cabinet exceeded my expectations. It was easy to assemble by myself, although it did take me a couple of hours. It was much sturdier than I expected. It perfectly fit everything I hoped it would.
Great item for the price.
Perfect size with a lot of storage.
Better than expected
As long as you follow the directions, the assembly is fairly easy. It is more sturdy than I anticipated, which is a great thing, although I wish it was a little larger. Overall I am very satisfied with the product.
Terrible instructions
Terrible instructions. There was 1 step to put screw on both sides of one board but then a later step needs you to add more screws on one side. It was very difficult to manage since i couldn’t lay it flat because there were screws on the other side already.
It has lot of parts to putting product together.
It took 2 1/2 hours to put together and has numerous. Two days before my husband put together a much bigger cabinet with a lot less parts to put it together.
Good Purchase
Great storage unit! Lots of pieces to put together but overall very happy with my purchase
Smaller than expected.
Hair dryer, pads, and edge of a dog for scale. I really like this, all things considered! It doesnt feel cheap, and there is plenty of storage space. However, its much too small to keep my towels in, which is half the reason I bought it. Two bath towels completely fill up the space between two shelves, and you have to smush them in or the door wont latch. For the price, I do wish it were half again bigger. But again, it feels sturdy and looks very nice. Not difficult to put together at all.
Bathroom Bliss
Fit perfectly in my bathroom, very happy with the item and storage space
Came with no instructions to assemble but my husband figured it out on his own
Bought for craft supply storage. Only had a small place for it and it fit perfect
Bring your patience when you assemble this
I live in a house with two coat closets for storage. I needed storage. Pros- it turned out looking relatively nice. Does hold what I needed it too. Changed out the knob to match my own decor. Cons - pieces don’t just fit…once you start assembling you have to force the pieces together which causes stress on the particle board resulting in damage. It does not just slide into place AT ALL. There are A LOT of pieces. I wasn’t pleased that putting it together caused damage but fortunately most of it is hidden inside.
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