We made a few changes to this item,overall it is good The instructions were pretty minimal. It was time consuming however, according to my husband wasnt too hard. The pieces overall are well built and everything was individually packaged for easy find. He did have to modify a part on the drawer for it to fit right but it took 15 seconds. It felt very sturdy, and provides a decent amount of space between bottom and top bunk. The guard rail is sturdy and I have zero concerns with it not doing its job.
Would recommend for your kiddos and if you are on a tight budget.
Easy to assemble. I did it myself Quick delivery. Package heavy so would help to have lifting straps.
Fair assembly instructions.
Parts fairly accurate fitting.
Good looking.
Meets my needs. The bunk bed is good looking and sturdy
The drawers are good too
Overall a great value
Some of the holes dont line up for assembly but it can be fixed . We managed to build it in 4 hours . The boys really like it . Pardon the messy room itll get cleaned eventually, when allowance time rolls around
There was a problem but they fixed it fast I liked the sturdiness and style of the set. It was easy to assemble and looks great in my daughters bedroom.
nice bed
easy to assemble, the customer service was helpful for my questions. Bottom bed can be used for guests as well, sturdy material.
Missing some drill holes needed.
Looks good
Super cute, worth it!We are obsessed! Packaged well, will take tome to assemble, good direction, sturdy, USE HAND TOOLS TO ASSEMBLE
Good bang for your buck
We made a few changes to this item,overall it is good The instructions were pretty minimal. It was time consuming however, according to my husband wasnt too hard. The pieces overall are well built and everything was individually packaged for easy find. He did have to modify a part on the drawer for it to fit right but it took 15 seconds. It felt very sturdy, and provides a decent amount of space between bottom and top bunk. The guard rail is sturdy and I have zero concerns with it not doing its job. Would recommend for your kiddos and if you are on a tight budget.
Nice quality for price.
Easy to assemble. I did it myself Quick delivery. Package heavy so would help to have lifting straps. Fair assembly instructions. Parts fairly accurate fitting. Good looking.
Its ok
Does take some time to put together, but great product The drawers at the bottom just sit in the floor they dont attach to anything on the bed
Breaks easy
The wood split just screwing it together. Kids had the latter and the side bar Brooke in less than a week
Nice bunk beds !
Meets my needs. The bunk bed is good looking and sturdy The drawers are good too Overall a great value Some of the holes dont line up for assembly but it can be fixed . We managed to build it in 4 hours . The boys really like it . Pardon the messy room itll get cleaned eventually, when allowance time rolls around
Good quality for my money that surpassed my expectation.
There was a problem but they fixed it fast I liked the sturdiness and style of the set. It was easy to assemble and looks great in my daughters bedroom.
Great made bed
Easier than you think Granddaughter loves it. Very good quality. Was very easy to assemble
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