Its very sturdy and easy to assemble! Took us less than an hour to build it together! You will need a couple of people to help you out, but its simple! Nothing came warped, things fit perfectly in place, its not loud at all. Would buy again.
I originally wanted to give this frame a 3 star review. It was an absolute nightmare to put together. The Allen wrench it came with immediately stripped making it next to possible to get this thing together. The tool was also sticking inside the screws. Very frustrating. Once I got my own tool, things were much easier/even though still sticking. It didnt take me too long to put together, less than two hours, but I still felt I needed to rate as such. Then I slept in it. Its pretty good. The bed I have, albeit expensive, has never been very comfortable for me. This frame makes it wayyyyy more comfortable. It does squeak and sway a tiny bit. But its good for the price.
My daughter needed a new bed and wanted a canopy. Given the lack of reviews I was cautious but decided to order anyway. This was exactly what she wanted and is well constructed. Love that it doesnt need a box spring. its perfect for my needs
If youre thinking about getting it. DO IT its so easy as far as setting up the bed it only took about 1 hour to build, it is sturdy and really pretty! I would recommend you buy this one!
Ordered this for my daughters revamp of her room. Her and I put it together ourselves in about an hour. Instructions were great, there was just 1 piece at the end we couldnt get screws in but its sturdy and stable without them and she loves it looks nice
Ordered based off the good reviews and was not disappointed. It arrived a day earlier than expected, and i was able to put it together by myself. I am not good at that kind of thing, but it only took about an hour and a half with the tools provided. I did have to use a half inch wrench on the nuts (the wrench they included didnt work for me) , but otherwise it was really simple. It feels sturdy, plenty of support underneath, and i cant wait to get some curtains for it! Really pleased with it and a great price. Much more reasonable than a lot of listings i was finding on fb marketplace, etc you really do get what you pay for.
Easy to Assemble Bed Frame
Its very sturdy and easy to assemble! Took us less than an hour to build it together! You will need a couple of people to help you out, but its simple! Nothing came warped, things fit perfectly in place, its not loud at all. Would buy again.
Perfect for by twins
They wanted a fort bed and its perfect
Get your own tools
I originally wanted to give this frame a 3 star review. It was an absolute nightmare to put together. The Allen wrench it came with immediately stripped making it next to possible to get this thing together. The tool was also sticking inside the screws. Very frustrating. Once I got my own tool, things were much easier/even though still sticking. It didnt take me too long to put together, less than two hours, but I still felt I needed to rate as such. Then I slept in it. Its pretty good. The bed I have, albeit expensive, has never been very comfortable for me. This frame makes it wayyyyy more comfortable. It does squeak and sway a tiny bit. But its good for the price.
Just what I was looking for
My daughter needed a new bed and wanted a canopy. Given the lack of reviews I was cautious but decided to order anyway. This was exactly what she wanted and is well constructed. Love that it doesnt need a box spring. its perfect for my needs
Absolutely great! BUY IT.
Youll love it. Buy it. Great price and good quality. its pretty sturdy
Aming quality and price
Looks beautiful I love it I love this product
Awesome bed
If youre thinking about getting it. DO IT its so easy as far as setting up the bed it only took about 1 hour to build, it is sturdy and really pretty! I would recommend you buy this one!
Shout out to the instructions
Ordered this for my daughters revamp of her room. Her and I put it together ourselves in about an hour. Instructions were great, there was just 1 piece at the end we couldnt get screws in but its sturdy and stable without them and she loves it looks nice
Love this bed frame very easy to put together and it is very sturdy The product is okay
Easy to put together
Ordered based off the good reviews and was not disappointed. It arrived a day earlier than expected, and i was able to put it together by myself. I am not good at that kind of thing, but it only took about an hour and a half with the tools provided. I did have to use a half inch wrench on the nuts (the wrench they included didnt work for me) , but otherwise it was really simple. It feels sturdy, plenty of support underneath, and i cant wait to get some curtains for it! Really pleased with it and a great price. Much more reasonable than a lot of listings i was finding on fb marketplace, etc you really do get what you pay for.
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