Bought just over a month ago and I love it! great wood color and is very sturdy. Was delivered in a pretty compact box and was not too difficult to set up
Overall this is a great bed frame for the money. Its heavy and well thought out. The Velcro strips that secure the slats and even the sticky strips to keep the mattress from moving are nice touches. I assembled this with my son helping but I could have done it alone in maybe 40 minutes or less. Also, the little ratchet tool is so useful it probably cut assembly time by 1/3.
The only negative is the way the vendor chose to ship. Not UPS or FedEx or , no, the US Mail. The package is 6 feet long and weighs about 30 pounds and all I got was a notice from the mailman that said, package wont fit in mailbox. Really? Who would have ever guessed that? The cheapness of the vendor in shipping that way required me to drive several miles, go wait in line and then drag the box out to my truck and then into my house. Anyway, expect to be lugging your own box / too bad if you live anywhere else but a house.
Oh, and the veneer is top quality and truly looks like Cherrywood.
I bought this for my guest room so wasnt looking for anything too flashy. The frame is really sturdy and makes minimal noise when youre sleeping on it. Doesnt really creak at all and stays put fairly well. The instructions for assembly werent the clearest but it doesnt take a genius to figure out this bed frame. Worth it for the money.
Excellent value! I have been searching for a simple, stylish solid wood platform bed and finally found it for a great price! I will be buying another one for my guest room. Assembly was very quick and easy!
This bed is simple and looks great! The packaging was awesome! Double boxed and the small amount of styrofoam that was in the box was bagged so it didnt go all over the place when I unpacked it. All the hardware was there (plus extra) as well as two Allen wrenchs to put it together. All of the holes lined up (a rarity with the ol flat/pack decor!). It took me 30 min to put it together by myself. The exrtas are a perk…pegs and Velcro to keep the slats in place as well as a couple of sticky strips to hold the mattress of your choice in place. The bed is not creaky and feels secure! The pup approves!
Cherry color, so cute and easy to put together. what I can tell from the first day is that it does seem to be sturdy, Id say only thing I dont like is the instructions, if someone else who is not hands on got this I think the instructions would be hard to understand. But great buy, great price and easy to assemble
Great bed frame!
Bought just over a month ago and I love it! great wood color and is very sturdy. Was delivered in a pretty compact box and was not too difficult to set up
This is The one
Beautiful design for an affordable price!
Better than I thought it would be
Overall this is a great bed frame for the money. Its heavy and well thought out. The Velcro strips that secure the slats and even the sticky strips to keep the mattress from moving are nice touches. I assembled this with my son helping but I could have done it alone in maybe 40 minutes or less. Also, the little ratchet tool is so useful it probably cut assembly time by 1/3. The only negative is the way the vendor chose to ship. Not UPS or FedEx or , no, the US Mail. The package is 6 feet long and weighs about 30 pounds and all I got was a notice from the mailman that said, package wont fit in mailbox. Really? Who would have ever guessed that? The cheapness of the vendor in shipping that way required me to drive several miles, go wait in line and then drag the box out to my truck and then into my house. Anyway, expect to be lugging your own box / too bad if you live anywhere else but a house. Oh, and the veneer is top quality and truly looks like Cherrywood.
Overall great for the price
Assembly was easy, the overall sturdiness just doesnt seem like itll hold up to what the product claims.
Very sturdy, good for the price!
I bought this for my guest room so wasnt looking for anything too flashy. The frame is really sturdy and makes minimal noise when youre sleeping on it. Doesnt really creak at all and stays put fairly well. The instructions for assembly werent the clearest but it doesnt take a genius to figure out this bed frame. Worth it for the money.
Love this bed! Put it together by myself. Easy to do. Best investment. Very minimalistic
Excellent value
Excellent value! I have been searching for a simple, stylish solid wood platform bed and finally found it for a great price! I will be buying another one for my guest room. Assembly was very quick and easy!
Buy this bed!
Easy to assemble, looks aming, Im a BIG girl and I have no fears of sturdiness, looks great.
Nice bed
This bed is simple and looks great! The packaging was awesome! Double boxed and the small amount of styrofoam that was in the box was bagged so it didnt go all over the place when I unpacked it. All the hardware was there (plus extra) as well as two Allen wrenchs to put it together. All of the holes lined up (a rarity with the ol flat/pack decor!). It took me 30 min to put it together by myself. The exrtas are a perk…pegs and Velcro to keep the slats in place as well as a couple of sticky strips to hold the mattress of your choice in place. The bed is not creaky and feels secure! The pup approves!
Easy assembling
Cherry color, so cute and easy to put together. what I can tell from the first day is that it does seem to be sturdy, Id say only thing I dont like is the instructions, if someone else who is not hands on got this I think the instructions would be hard to understand. But great buy, great price and easy to assemble
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