Nice quality, easy too assemble, looks nice. I love this bed. It looks so cute in my 7 year old daughters room. Its the perfect size for her but she also has plenty of room to grow in it for many years. Its a very solid bed, Im confident it will last for quite a while, I havent noticed any dings or dents so far. Putting it together was super easy, I was able to do it bt myself within like a half hour to an hour. The most annoying part is the little slats that go in the headboard and footboard. Not too hard, just kind of annoying. Well worth it though. The bed is beautiful! I do reccomend!
Its not for everyone, but its perfect for us! Perfect for my 3 year old. Super cute too! She can get in and out of it no problem. She loves her new big girl bed.
Instructions for assembly would be helpful Got this to keep my bed off the floor after my odd frame broke.
Couldnt have the boxspring as it replaces it and made the bed too tall.
Love it!
Good bed for the price for our 3 year old. He loves it.
Update: bed still great. I went to order another for the same room for my younger son and wanted them to match. I got the bed but didnt open the box for a few months until he was ready to be moved out of his crib. When i opened it they did NOT match. Be careful when ordering as sometimes they switch up the styles. The new bed is fine just doesnt match the old one and it bothers me.
The manufacturer has incredible customer service. Its very comfy and Im very happy! We purchased this bed for our almost-2-year-olds big boy room. It looks really good and is surprisingly sturdy. Put a good mattress on this thing and its really comfy. And now instead of him getting into our bed, we can put him back in his! Perfect!
I really like how simple the Assembly Instructions was easy to understand when putting the bed together and the Alphabets placed on the pieces to organize and know which parts go where. This project was Amazing and love the quality of the product. When finished it looks exactly what was displayed!!!..... Thanks to the manufacturer (HI FIVE!!)
Excellent customer service Excellent for low price
Beautiful sturdy bed!
Nice quality, easy too assemble, looks nice. I love this bed. It looks so cute in my 7 year old daughters room. Its the perfect size for her but she also has plenty of room to grow in it for many years. Its a very solid bed, Im confident it will last for quite a while, I havent noticed any dings or dents so far. Putting it together was super easy, I was able to do it bt myself within like a half hour to an hour. The most annoying part is the little slats that go in the headboard and footboard. Not too hard, just kind of annoying. Well worth it though. The bed is beautiful! I do reccomend!
Its not for everyone, but its perfect for us! Perfect for my 3 year old. Super cute too! She can get in and out of it no problem. She loves her new big girl bed.
Great bedframe
Instructions for assembly would be helpful Got this to keep my bed off the floor after my odd frame broke. Couldnt have the boxspring as it replaces it and made the bed too tall. Love it!
Good for kids
Good bed for the price for our 3 year old. He loves it. Update: bed still great. I went to order another for the same room for my younger son and wanted them to match. I got the bed but didnt open the box for a few months until he was ready to be moved out of his crib. When i opened it they did NOT match. Be careful when ordering as sometimes they switch up the styles. The new bed is fine just doesnt match the old one and it bothers me.
Nice little bed for the money
The manufacturer has incredible customer service. Its very comfy and Im very happy! We purchased this bed for our almost-2-year-olds big boy room. It looks really good and is surprisingly sturdy. Put a good mattress on this thing and its really comfy. And now instead of him getting into our bed, we can put him back in his! Perfect!
Great product
For the money it is awesome! Great little bed! Wonderful customer service.
Solid purchase!
Exactly what I paid for. Its great. My daughter has been happy in it every night! Well constructed, zero issues!
Easy Assemble, Great Quality!!...
I really like how simple the Assembly Instructions was easy to understand when putting the bed together and the Alphabets placed on the pieces to organize and know which parts go where. This project was Amazing and love the quality of the product. When finished it looks exactly what was displayed!!!..... Thanks to the manufacturer (HI FIVE!!)
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