Bought this for our new baby. She hasnt made it here yet but we have used the glider for our toddler. It was easy to assemble. Rocks/glides well. Think it will be great for late nights with a newborn. Seat cushion could be thicker and/or firmer but its comfortable for now.
Great design and easy to put together. Bought this for my father in law and when it arrived he put it together before I could get it there to assist. He loves it the color is as it should be and it is very comfortable
Able to put it together in about 1/2 hour which is nice but this glider is very small. I would think it would works best for a nursery and note living room furniture as 95% of the people who visit me would not fit in this chair.
Bought this glider for my grandsons room. It matches the color of his baby furniture perfectly. Cushions are very soft and comfortable and the wood finish is beautiful. Glides perfect! Im glad I chose this glider!!
New mom loves it
Delivered ahead of date during busy season
Excellent Chair
My old one broke beyond repair. Needed new one fast, and this came with fast shipping, is comfortable, and was not difficult to assemble.
Super easy to assemble/comfortable for the most part
Bought this for our new baby. She hasnt made it here yet but we have used the glider for our toddler. It was easy to assemble. Rocks/glides well. Think it will be great for late nights with a newborn. Seat cushion could be thicker and/or firmer but its comfortable for now.
Its so comfortable and perfect for late night nursing sessions
Great rocker glider
Great design and easy to put together. Bought this for my father in law and when it arrived he put it together before I could get it there to assist. He loves it the color is as it should be and it is very comfortable
Great glider
Its even better than it looks. Easy assembly and very comfortable.
Its great
Rocking grand child to sleep
Its Small
Able to put it together in about 1/2 hour which is nice but this glider is very small. I would think it would works best for a nursery and note living room furniture as 95% of the people who visit me would not fit in this chair.
Comfortable and nice
Easy to put together. Came with a few scratches, but nothing problematic.
Beautiful comfortable glider!!
Bought this glider for my grandsons room. It matches the color of his baby furniture perfectly. Cushions are very soft and comfortable and the wood finish is beautiful. Glides perfect! Im glad I chose this glider!!
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