This table is pretty sturdy for the price and very easy to assemble. I was originally going to put it in my living room but decided to put it in my bedroom instead.
I love this. Its exactly what I was looking for. I use it at the end of my bed since my dresser is too far off to the side to watch tv comfortably. Its slim, but wide enough to fit the tv. It was easy to assemble and arrived quicker than the estimated delivery date. I highly recommend. Ill definitely be buying a second one for my gaming area. Love it!
The perfect decorative piece!
This product was extremely easy to assemble.
A good deal.
This table is pretty sturdy for the price and very easy to assemble. I was originally going to put it in my living room but decided to put it in my bedroom instead.
Sturdy and very cute!!
Great Buy
Its was very easy to put together and Im a cheap person but the money was well worth it. I use it as a tv stand.
Clean lines and narrow width
Easy to assemble and perfect width for my narrow space.
In love with this table!!!
This table is a great quality! It was super easy to put together and it even arrived faster than it was supposed to.
I love this. Its exactly what I was looking for. I use it at the end of my bed since my dresser is too far off to the side to watch tv comfortably. Its slim, but wide enough to fit the tv. It was easy to assemble and arrived quicker than the estimated delivery date. I highly recommend. Ill definitely be buying a second one for my gaming area. Love it!
Exactly what I was looking for!
This is a great product. Its looks great in my house. Customer service was easy to work with. I recommend this product.
You will love it, just put it im the right place
Easy to build without having to look at the instructions, looks so nice when put up and decorated with what you prefer on it.
Love it!
Table is perfect for our entryway. It was easy to put together and very sturdy. I love it. Cant wait to decorate it!
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