I am pleasantly surprised at how sturdy this product is. I usually purchase things from but this item was more affordable and I preferred the design. It was easier to put together (than any item Ive assembled) and feels very solid. A piece was damaged during shipping and when I contacted the manufacturer for a replacement, they shipped it out express. Great customer service. I received it in 2 days and everything was good to go. Assemble.
I bought this bed for my son, it is really great. this bed is going to last longer than others we used to have .I can tell from the quality of the material of the pieces. Effective.
We bought two of these and one went together somewhat easily and the other one didnt. The holes were off and the dowels wouldnt fit in at the appropriate spot. We had to go online and order more parts and that was pretty easy and they came quickly but still a pain to deal with that issue! Dont know about sturdiness because no one has slept in them yet. Easy as it says.
We got this for our toddler but it can be a great bed for everyone. The packaging was great with very little to dispose. Also I loved the attention to the detail. The screws are painted at the top to matched the bed. I loved it. Nice fit.
I bought this set of bunk beds for my beach house, where the adult kids and grandchildren often visit and extra bed space is needed. Ive got to tell you / this is a very sturdy set of bunk beds / I cant confirm the claim that each bed will support 400 pounds, but the entire assembly is rock/solid once its put together.
I put these beds together by myself, and it took about 2 hours / the instruction manual is all pictures, and it would have been helpful to have included some written text at points to avoid some confusion. All/in/all, not too bad to put together.
Would I buy this again? Absolutely! Very sturdy.
Our oldest boy was outgrowing his twin/over/twin bunkbed and we started shopping for a twin/over/full bunkbed as we still like the bunkbed functionality for now and wanted a larger bed that he could use into his teen years that is stylish. After researching options and brands, this bunkbed set was the perfect in style, color, quality, and price. I really like the way the ladder is integrated into the bed, that was a key feature for us as our prior bed the ladder was separate and took up additional space. Assembly took my husband about 2 hours alone and the assembly instructions were easy to follow. We purchased the Grey color and it a nice finish. The bunkbed is sturdy and heavy as it is a product made of solid wood material, not particle wood, and well designed. We used 10inch foam mattresses, also ordered from and they fit perfectly. Very positive purchasing and delivery experience that has surpassed our expectations. We are very pleased with our purchase and our boys loved it. Highly recommend! Great Product! Cool!!
Damaged but functional
Head board arrived with a ding in it, product is made cheaply but does the job Exactly as it looks, but not great quality.
Great overall
I am pleasantly surprised at how sturdy this product is. I usually purchase things from but this item was more affordable and I preferred the design. It was easier to put together (than any item Ive assembled) and feels very solid. A piece was damaged during shipping and when I contacted the manufacturer for a replacement, they shipped it out express. Great customer service. I received it in 2 days and everything was good to go. Assemble.
Made to last!!
I bought this bed for my son, it is really great. this bed is going to last longer than others we used to have .I can tell from the quality of the material of the pieces. Effective.
Pretty good
We bought two of these and one went together somewhat easily and the other one didnt. The holes were off and the dowels wouldnt fit in at the appropriate spot. We had to go online and order more parts and that was pretty easy and they came quickly but still a pain to deal with that issue! Dont know about sturdiness because no one has slept in them yet. Easy as it says.
Great for my boys
Very sturdy. Great for my 2 and 4 year old boys. Love this!
Great quality
Easy to put together, Good quality looks nice Just Buy It.
High quality construction.
We got this for our toddler but it can be a great bed for everyone. The packaging was great with very little to dispose. Also I loved the attention to the detail. The screws are painted at the top to matched the bed. I loved it. Nice fit.
Kids love it
Kids love it. Get it!!
Very sturdy!
I bought this set of bunk beds for my beach house, where the adult kids and grandchildren often visit and extra bed space is needed. Ive got to tell you / this is a very sturdy set of bunk beds / I cant confirm the claim that each bed will support 400 pounds, but the entire assembly is rock/solid once its put together. I put these beds together by myself, and it took about 2 hours / the instruction manual is all pictures, and it would have been helpful to have included some written text at points to avoid some confusion. All/in/all, not too bad to put together. Would I buy this again? Absolutely! Very sturdy.
High Quality Product.Highly Recommended
Our oldest boy was outgrowing his twin/over/twin bunkbed and we started shopping for a twin/over/full bunkbed as we still like the bunkbed functionality for now and wanted a larger bed that he could use into his teen years that is stylish. After researching options and brands, this bunkbed set was the perfect in style, color, quality, and price. I really like the way the ladder is integrated into the bed, that was a key feature for us as our prior bed the ladder was separate and took up additional space. Assembly took my husband about 2 hours alone and the assembly instructions were easy to follow. We purchased the Grey color and it a nice finish. The bunkbed is sturdy and heavy as it is a product made of solid wood material, not particle wood, and well designed. We used 10inch foam mattresses, also ordered from and they fit perfectly. Very positive purchasing and delivery experience that has surpassed our expectations. We are very pleased with our purchase and our boys loved it. Highly recommend! Great Product! Cool!!
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