It fits over the top of a queen size bed in our small guest room. It seems sturdy. The assembly instructions were clear. The slats were a challenge to install, but we worked a few hours over 34 days and did it!
Out son ordered this for his loft bed. I didnt expect much from the self but have been pleasantly surprised. The shelf itself is pretty sturdy, he will usually go to bed with a glass of water, a couple books, a reading light and a snack. It gets a lot of use and remains sturdy. No complaints.
This took a while to build, but the instructions were very good. The only thing I would comment on is that when you tighten down the bolts the paint chips away near the location a bit. Its not a huge deal, but it is a thing. Other than that, it seems to be a great product and appears sturdy. If anything changes, will report back.
Fast shipping.
We have a one bedroom got it so save space. My step dad assembled it… got it done within an hour. Towards the end just a bit of help needed.
Also, doesnt have an opening to enter at the top, you have climb over.
Pretty easy to assembled definitely need to support it against the wall the ones that come with it are pretty small so I went to Home Depot to get bigger ones but all In all its a pretty good deal
The loft bed was assembled very easily and has been in use for several weeks now without an issue. Seems to remain very sturdy. The space underneath the loft is a great storage / play space. (Especially with curtains hung on it for a private fort!
It was super easy to put together which only took about 30 min. It is kinda wobbly until you anchor it to the wall. Im 200lbs and it doesnt move at all when Im climbing up and down. I put a 8 n foam Nap Queen mattress and theres still a few inches of railing to keep from rolling out of it in the middle of the night. I wish the ladder rungs were flat because they do hurt ur feet but I just gotta pool noodle and Velcro and that took care of that. Theres lots of room underneath for whatever (I have a futon. I actually got it for my daughter so she would have more floorspace to play and its exactly what we were looking for. Perfect for one of those bedside caddys too.
There are many parts.
It fits over the top of a queen size bed in our small guest room. It seems sturdy. The assembly instructions were clear. The slats were a challenge to install, but we worked a few hours over 34 days and did it!
Great multifunction shelf.
Out son ordered this for his loft bed. I didnt expect much from the self but have been pleasantly surprised. The shelf itself is pretty sturdy, he will usually go to bed with a glass of water, a couple books, a reading light and a snack. It gets a lot of use and remains sturdy. No complaints.
Looks good and good instructions
This took a while to build, but the instructions were very good. The only thing I would comment on is that when you tighten down the bolts the paint chips away near the location a bit. Its not a huge deal, but it is a thing. Other than that, it seems to be a great product and appears sturdy. If anything changes, will report back.
Love it
Kids always playing on it all the time good strong bed
Happy with it.
Fast shipping. We have a one bedroom got it so save space. My step dad assembled it… got it done within an hour. Towards the end just a bit of help needed. Also, doesnt have an opening to enter at the top, you have climb over.
It took four of us to assemble but totally worth it!
Great for the price
Pretty easy to assembled definitely need to support it against the wall the ones that come with it are pretty small so I went to Home Depot to get bigger ones but all In all its a pretty good deal
Bed meets expectations. Sturdy, great size area under the loft.
The loft bed was assembled very easily and has been in use for several weeks now without an issue. Seems to remain very sturdy. The space underneath the loft is a great storage / play space. (Especially with curtains hung on it for a private fort!
Super Solid
It was super easy to put together which only took about 30 min. It is kinda wobbly until you anchor it to the wall. Im 200lbs and it doesnt move at all when Im climbing up and down. I put a 8 n foam Nap Queen mattress and theres still a few inches of railing to keep from rolling out of it in the middle of the night. I wish the ladder rungs were flat because they do hurt ur feet but I just gotta pool noodle and Velcro and that took care of that. Theres lots of room underneath for whatever (I have a futon. I actually got it for my daughter so she would have more floorspace to play and its exactly what we were looking for. Perfect for one of those bedside caddys too.
looks great very wobbly
Needs to be less wobbly and maybe bigger bars for the ladder because it hurts the feet as you climb
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