Easy to assemble and it seems sturdy. We bought two for a very active 3 and 5 year old. We did have to tighten the screws again after a couple months but that’s because the kids jump, move it around, and are crazy. Well worth the money. I’m 6 months pregnant and built both of them myself! They’re beautiful.
This bed is easy to assemble and worth the money! I assembled this bed by myself; however, it would be easier with two people. This bed is stylish and worth the price if you looking for something affordable. It’s sturdy and well made.
This bed is wonderful! I ordered two twin sizes. Both were easy to put together with my teenage son. I’m a single mom, so that was important to me. Instructions were easy to understand. Turned out beautifully! Very sturdy.
Im a big girl and my bf is a big boy and lets just say... We have tested this frame and it is amazingly sturdy. Im very impressed. I put it together, by myself, while watching one episode of a true crime show... So its easy to setup and has survived months of two larger adults actively wrestling (actual wrestling). I honestly am shocked this frame is this strong.
So far so good with this bed frame! It does sit quite a bit higher than most bed frames, but it sits at roughly the same level as a standard box spring mattress would anyway. It doesnt take long to put together, about 10-15 mins at the very least.
What I love about this mattress is that not only is it surprisingly light weight, its also bi-folding, which was critical because living in a town home, my old box spring never made it up the stairs. Therefore, I was faced with 3 options: one: buy a folding box spring so that it could fit around tight corners that exist in town homes and condos, two: buy a split (2 smaller box springs) box spring, or three: buy a platform bed that folds in half and forget about box springs altogether. I chose the bed frame. The legs can be easily folded in when moving. Only the inner supporting legs will need to be removed if you need to move the bed frame. The mattress can be easily moved while on the frame but it matters little as it does the job. The bonus was the frame shipped and arrived 2 days after ordering with standard free delivery! Very happy )
This bed frame is really nice and pretty easy to assemble. It took maybe 45 mins to fully assemble it. I took the extra time to make sure it was square and was level before tightening all the bolts. So overall great value for your money, it was easy to assemble, and it is a very sturdy bed frame. 5 out of 5 stars for me. I’ll probably be buying another bed for my daughter from this company.
Best directions,and great ideal to number the parts and had all screws lettered thanks
Great price
Nice and Sturdy
Real sturdy bed no issues at all.
I recommend! They’re beautiful.
Easy to assemble and it seems sturdy. We bought two for a very active 3 and 5 year old. We did have to tighten the screws again after a couple months but that’s because the kids jump, move it around, and are crazy. Well worth the money. I’m 6 months pregnant and built both of them myself! They’re beautiful.
affordable and nice perfect fit
Loved it for our Guest room, easy assembly and looks great!
Easy To Assemble And Worth The Money
This bed is easy to assemble and worth the money! I assembled this bed by myself; however, it would be easier with two people. This bed is stylish and worth the price if you looking for something affordable. It’s sturdy and well made.
This bed is wonderful! I ordered two twin sizes. Both were easy to put together with my teenage son. I’m a single mom, so that was important to me. Instructions were easy to understand. Turned out beautifully! Very sturdy.
Great price for a good frame.
Im a big girl and my bf is a big boy and lets just say... We have tested this frame and it is amazingly sturdy. Im very impressed. I put it together, by myself, while watching one episode of a true crime show... So its easy to setup and has survived months of two larger adults actively wrestling (actual wrestling). I honestly am shocked this frame is this strong.
Great Platform Bed Frame For Anyone Living In A Condo or Town Home.
So far so good with this bed frame! It does sit quite a bit higher than most bed frames, but it sits at roughly the same level as a standard box spring mattress would anyway. It doesnt take long to put together, about 10-15 mins at the very least. What I love about this mattress is that not only is it surprisingly light weight, its also bi-folding, which was critical because living in a town home, my old box spring never made it up the stairs. Therefore, I was faced with 3 options: one: buy a folding box spring so that it could fit around tight corners that exist in town homes and condos, two: buy a split (2 smaller box springs) box spring, or three: buy a platform bed that folds in half and forget about box springs altogether. I chose the bed frame. The legs can be easily folded in when moving. Only the inner supporting legs will need to be removed if you need to move the bed frame. The mattress can be easily moved while on the frame but it matters little as it does the job. The bonus was the frame shipped and arrived 2 days after ordering with standard free delivery! Very happy )
Great value and Easy to assemble.
This bed frame is really nice and pretty easy to assemble. It took maybe 45 mins to fully assemble it. I took the extra time to make sure it was square and was level before tightening all the bolts. So overall great value for your money, it was easy to assemble, and it is a very sturdy bed frame. 5 out of 5 stars for me. I’ll probably be buying another bed for my daughter from this company.
Super easy to put together
Love my bed! It looks great AND it’s durable! If you get my meaning ;) haha seriously though, best money I’ve ever spent
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