Got this for my daughter. Its very cute. The directions are not the easiest to follow but its pretty easy to figure out even without the directions. Great price. Comfortable and sturdy
Super cute bed. The Sturdiness is okay. Be Careful when moving around bed its very easy to break boards especially headboard. But so far so good for my 6 year old ! what else can I say
I bought this as a big girl bed for my 2year old. Shes very wild and destructive, but it holds up amingly and looks gorgeous in her room! Its worth every penny and more! (Also sturdy enough for a plus sized person) Its a great deal for the money
Great purchase
Though the color pink is a bit darker I am so happy we purchased this bed. Easy to assemble and looks high end. Very very happy
Cute, directions suck but easy to figure out
Got this for my daughter. Its very cute. The directions are not the easiest to follow but its pretty easy to figure out even without the directions. Great price. Comfortable and sturdy
Super cute bed
Super cute bed. The Sturdiness is okay. Be Careful when moving around bed its very easy to break boards especially headboard. But so far so good for my 6 year old ! what else can I say
My daughter loves it!
The frame is a tad uneven but we make it work Nice color and easy to assemble
Comfortable as can be
My Granddaughter said This is a comfy bed Was pleasantly surprised
Perfect and easy assembly
That one board was broken in both head boards Good price as well
My daughter loves her new bed it was a pain for mom though just took some common sense
I love the bed frame wish it had more of a bottom to it instead of slats but it works Great value
Its perfect! Our daughter loves it
Very easy to put together. Came so organized and nicely packaged. Really really recommend Excellent quality and Excellent choice
Great bed for the kid
It was incredibly easy to assemble and is sturdy enough to support my weight.(245 lbs) Thank you for the excellent customer service
Durable and Beautiful!
I bought this as a big girl bed for my 2year old. Shes very wild and destructive, but it holds up amingly and looks gorgeous in her room! Its worth every penny and more! (Also sturdy enough for a plus sized person) Its a great deal for the money
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