Its a great bench. Pretty easy to assemble and feels very sturdy sitting on it. The storage area is small, was hoping to fit blankets but that wont happen. It also came with some chipped spots, but just painted them in. One screw did not work as the threading was messed up, but was just the bottom shoe rack so doesnt really matter.
I put this together myself! I have zero patience for building things but the directions were clear with photos! Its smaller than I want but its fine for now. I love the storage compartments, my pillows fit great in there in case anyone needs to sit down.
I love this bench. Not a lot of storage but enough for the odds and ends I have laying around. Love to have a place to put my shoes. It was very easy to assemble and looks great.
I got the bench in the mail today and put it together. It wasnt hard, except I had a little problem with the lid and hinges, but got them on. The cam locks were easy. There is a little cross on the side of them and one end has a point on it. That point needs to be lined up with the screw thing. If it enter from the top, that point needs to be pointed up and down, pointed down. Seems to be some confusion about those for people. Took me about an hour to put it together. Didnt pay attention at first to the arrows with attention on the directions. Those are important. The tell you the correct way to place a board on the box. Ive put together lots of unassembled pieces of furniture, so it probably made it easier for me. Im a 71 year old grandmother, if I can assemble it anyone should be able to. This bench comes it two sizes, which is nice. Ive very happy with my purchase.
Happy with how this fits into my space. I found all pieces to be well labeled. You do have to pay close attention to the orientation of each piece as it is assembled. I found placing and tightening the metal locknuts challenging and time consuming. They didnt grab the screws without some adjusting. One of the locknuts also broke when I was tightening it, but extra pieces were included, so this was not an issue. Overall satisfied with the finished product.
I love this bench but it is def not great material. The wood is fake but honestly for the price it works for me. Its adorable and I didnt have trouble with assembly like others mentioned (and I am no handy gal!)
Fantastic bench
Its a great bench. Pretty easy to assemble and feels very sturdy sitting on it. The storage area is small, was hoping to fit blankets but that wont happen. It also came with some chipped spots, but just painted them in. One screw did not work as the threading was messed up, but was just the bottom shoe rack so doesnt really matter.
Great directions ! Easy tabs simple to put together
I put this together myself! I have zero patience for building things but the directions were clear with photos! Its smaller than I want but its fine for now. I love the storage compartments, my pillows fit great in there in case anyone needs to sit down.
Great bench!
Not that easy to assemble but once it was all set it is very sturdy! Fits perfectly in our space and holds all my shoes.
I added decorative pillows to the bench and it is so cute with my farmhouse theme. definitely recommend.
beautiful look
I love this bench. Not a lot of storage but enough for the odds and ends I have laying around. Love to have a place to put my shoes. It was very easy to assemble and looks great.
Nice sturdy bench
I got the bench in the mail today and put it together. It wasnt hard, except I had a little problem with the lid and hinges, but got them on. The cam locks were easy. There is a little cross on the side of them and one end has a point on it. That point needs to be lined up with the screw thing. If it enter from the top, that point needs to be pointed up and down, pointed down. Seems to be some confusion about those for people. Took me about an hour to put it together. Didnt pay attention at first to the arrows with attention on the directions. Those are important. The tell you the correct way to place a board on the box. Ive put together lots of unassembled pieces of furniture, so it probably made it easier for me. Im a 71 year old grandmother, if I can assemble it anyone should be able to. This bench comes it two sizes, which is nice. Ive very happy with my purchase.
Good fit for space
Happy with how this fits into my space. I found all pieces to be well labeled. You do have to pay close attention to the orientation of each piece as it is assembled. I found placing and tightening the metal locknuts challenging and time consuming. They didnt grab the screws without some adjusting. One of the locknuts also broke when I was tightening it, but extra pieces were included, so this was not an issue. Overall satisfied with the finished product.
I love this bench but it is def not great material. The wood is fake but honestly for the price it works for me. Its adorable and I didnt have trouble with assembly like others mentioned (and I am no handy gal!)
Looks cheap
If you want a cheap bench that fits the purpose, this is it. It works, it doesnt look awful but it doesnt look like real wood at all.
Cute and simple
Great piece that makes entryway look cute and tidy. Its functional and sturdy
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