Worth it! She loves it. The chair was easy to assemble. Comfortable to sit in, although the padding on the arm rests could be a litter thicker. This chair has met all my expectations.
Would be great chair if pieces fit properly. The back didnot fit seat evenly when put together. This caused the arms not to be able to be put on without bending back a little bit forward do could line up holes for screws. Pretty chair, but for price pieces should fit. Delivery was also late. Not super sturdy.
Good. Me and my boyfriend got this chair for our desk at home so we have a place to do all of our work without having to go to the library and let me tell you this chair is beautiful! Great quality. My boyfriend was in the military and has a bad back and he said its been really good for his back. Every time people come over they compliment how professional it looks. So many pluses. Love this chair and would recommend!
Attractive and strong. We received two of the Office chairs today. We intend to use them in our home office. The assembly was quite easy using the enclosed instructions. These chairs are very comfortable and my wife and I are very pleased with them!
Good chair for the money.
Worth it! She loves it. The chair was easy to assemble. Comfortable to sit in, although the padding on the arm rests could be a litter thicker. This chair has met all my expectations.
Love it
Love it. The chair is so comfortable. I like it a lot
Comfy and very modern stylish chair.
Great value. Very sturdy. Sleek and comfy. Bought for my teen daughter. Its a good chair and very pretty.
Pieces do not line up well, but pretty chair.
Would be great chair if pieces fit properly. The back didnot fit seat evenly when put together. This caused the arms not to be able to be put on without bending back a little bit forward do could line up holes for screws. Pretty chair, but for price pieces should fit. Delivery was also late. Not super sturdy.
Best chair for anyone with a bad back!
Good. Me and my boyfriend got this chair for our desk at home so we have a place to do all of our work without having to go to the library and let me tell you this chair is beautiful! Great quality. My boyfriend was in the military and has a bad back and he said its been really good for his back. Every time people come over they compliment how professional it looks. So many pluses. Love this chair and would recommend!
Office Chair
Attractive and strong. We received two of the Office chairs today. We intend to use them in our home office. The assembly was quite easy using the enclosed instructions. These chairs are very comfortable and my wife and I are very pleased with them!
Not difficult to assemble
I loved it. Good cushion comfort
Amazing!!! Bought for my daughters desk
Gorgeous chair
My Nephew likes it, Super easy setupmade me feel like a fully functional adult and looks very fancy!!
Good chair for the price
My son loves it! Price and quality
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