It was easy to assemble, seems sturdy. Barely accommodates the mattress, I feel like the mattress is an inch over the edge of the frame. But I guess you wont hit the frame with your knee. Well made just what I was looking for!
This is so much better than a boxspring. Easy to assemble my daughter/in/law assembled it for me, able to put things under the bed because theres lots of room. This is an awesome item I recommend it highly This item was correct.
I love this bed frame. I had one of those folding ones and it finally gave out. It wasnt intended for long term use. I put this together in about 15 minutes. I couldnt believe how sturdy it is. It didnt move when I got on it and Im 280lbs. Its great. Its also easy to move. I dropped my phone and had to shift it to get to my phone and its very light weight considering how sturdy it is. One of my best buys.
Nicely supportive under memory foam mattress in my guest room. Easy to assemble (tools included). Feels sturdy even under heavy people and does not squeak. Fits rather large bins underneath.
1. I stub my toes all the darn time on the middle side leg. But that leg is part of what makes it sturdy.
2. The slats occasionally bounce out of their brackets when Im changing the sheets, if I drop the mattress on them to abruptly.
3. There is no ledge or rail to keep the mattress from shifting.
Overall, just fine for the price. Would be perfect for a small apartment with little storage and a low budget. Quick ship.
Good bed with a little extra height. One can store several things underneath since it is the space that is constantly shrin all time. I keep little stepper by side so my feet always touch it before I stand up. This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
It took me about an hour to assemble on my own and it went well but probably would have been easier with a second pair of hands to help hold things in place. The the sides and the central cross piece come hinged together so all you have to do is stretch it out and bolt the connecting corners/edges. I did use my own tools to tighten the bolts (it comes with some rudimentary ones) but Ive slept on it for about a week and so far its sturdy, no crea or sha. Decent bed for the low cost. Sturdy.
Long Legs good for storage
It was easy to assemble, seems sturdy. Barely accommodates the mattress, I feel like the mattress is an inch over the edge of the frame. But I guess you wont hit the frame with your knee. Well made just what I was looking for!
This is so much better than a boxspring. Easy to assemble my daughter/in/law assembled it for me, able to put things under the bed because theres lots of room. This is an awesome item I recommend it highly This item was correct.
Very strong bed
This bed is very strong. The material is not cheap at all. Fits good in my small space as well, also good for the price. Works well.
Heavy duty
I love this bed frame. I had one of those folding ones and it finally gave out. It wasnt intended for long term use. I put this together in about 15 minutes. I couldnt believe how sturdy it is. It didnt move when I got on it and Im 280lbs. Its great. Its also easy to move. I dropped my phone and had to shift it to get to my phone and its very light weight considering how sturdy it is. One of my best buys.
Supportive and lots of storage space
Nicely supportive under memory foam mattress in my guest room. Easy to assemble (tools included). Feels sturdy even under heavy people and does not squeak. Fits rather large bins underneath. Downsides: 1. I stub my toes all the darn time on the middle side leg. But that leg is part of what makes it sturdy. 2. The slats occasionally bounce out of their brackets when Im changing the sheets, if I drop the mattress on them to abruptly. 3. There is no ledge or rail to keep the mattress from shifting. Overall, just fine for the price. Would be perfect for a small apartment with little storage and a low budget. Quick ship.
Good sleep
Good bed with a little extra height. One can store several things underneath since it is the space that is constantly shrin all time. I keep little stepper by side so my feet always touch it before I stand up. This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
feels like water bed
the bed moves with you, its a water bed or dancing bed but it is not a sturdy bed.
So far so good
It took me about an hour to assemble on my own and it went well but probably would have been easier with a second pair of hands to help hold things in place. The the sides and the central cross piece come hinged together so all you have to do is stretch it out and bolt the connecting corners/edges. I did use my own tools to tighten the bolts (it comes with some rudimentary ones) but Ive slept on it for about a week and so far its sturdy, no crea or sha. Decent bed for the low cost. Sturdy.
Good Worth it!!!
Bed frame
Nice Simple and easy to put together.
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