It’s great for looks but actually using it broke it in two months. It’s not a sturdy bed and the wood is cheap, the planks are all different sizes, and the metal bent within the first month. I wouldn’t recommend getting this if you plan on having it longer than three months.
It’s held up pretty well for a few months and my kids are pretty hard on things. Both the bed and trundle are used daily. Only real complaint is how loud the bed squeaks. I can hear every move my daughter makes all night.
It’s nice but the wheels aren’t that good. Right after we put it together my daughter and her friend went to bed and the trundle beds two wheels broke as she was sitting down on it. Had to go to the hardware store and buy different wheels.
It’s not a cheap product, but quality is great and it’s really easy to assemble. Tha manual is really easy to understand and all the parts come with a number making it easier to find the parts.
I really recommend it.
It’s okay. My mattress I bought was just regular sized and it’s bigger than the metal sides. I wouldn’t got a different bed if I knew that. But it’s nice and sturdy.
It's great for when my daughter has a friend spends the night. The bed just rolls right out and then when they leave the bed just rolls back under. So it gives my daughter more room in her bedroom.
It doesn’t last long
It’s great for looks but actually using it broke it in two months. It’s not a sturdy bed and the wood is cheap, the planks are all different sizes, and the metal bent within the first month. I wouldn’t recommend getting this if you plan on having it longer than three months.
It’s held up pretty well for a few months and my kids are pretty hard on things. Both the bed and trundle are used daily. Only real complaint is how loud the bed squeaks. I can hear every move my daughter makes all night.
Good, but wheels aren’t strong
It’s nice but the wheels aren’t that good. Right after we put it together my daughter and her friend went to bed and the trundle beds two wheels broke as she was sitting down on it. Had to go to the hardware store and buy different wheels.
Easy to assemble!
It’s not a cheap product, but quality is great and it’s really easy to assemble. Tha manual is really easy to understand and all the parts come with a number making it easier to find the parts. I really recommend it.
Really short
It’s okay. My mattress I bought was just regular sized and it’s bigger than the metal sides. I wouldn’t got a different bed if I knew that. But it’s nice and sturdy.
Excellent quality & easy to assemble
It’s perfect! We use it as an extra bed for when our son brings home friends from college. The trundle fits perfectly under it.
Exactly what I expected!
It's awesome, sturdy, and was easy to put together. Currently waiting for mattresses to expand. 5" mattress
Need 2 pox for delivery it’s heavy and come for me one pice damage
Its come damage I need return it’s difficult for me repack I am not happy. Quality is cheep.
cute bed for kids
Its easy to assemble and I love the wood pieces
Gives more room in her bedroom
It's great for when my daughter has a friend spends the night. The bed just rolls right out and then when they leave the bed just rolls back under. So it gives my daughter more room in her bedroom.
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