This product is good quality! Was super easy to assemble and comes with all assembly parts and tools. It took me about 30 minutes to put together and was so easily labeled that if you can’t do it then you probably don’t know how to put a cap back on a bottle of soda.
We bough 8” mattresses on both bed and trundle. Really should get a 6” for trundle if you want an easy slide. We are only using trundle for guests so I’m not too worried about that. You have to lift the frame slightly with 8” mattress (frame is lightweight) and slide the trundle under, but it isn’t difficult and if you aren’t using everyday I don’t think it is an inconvenience.
Package was super heavy! So you may need help getting it inside. My husband was able to carry it to the bedroom which is where I assembled it.
This trundle bed is amazing. Not only is it beautiful and sturdy, the instructions to put it together were so thorough. I did it myself and I am a female who is good figuring out things but not used to putting together furniture. I did dread it initially, but once I got started and took my time, I was done in about 1.5 hours. Someone who is handy could probably put both beds together is half that time. The bed does not squeak nor feel flimsy. We love it, our guests will love it and in the meantime, our dogs use it to lounge and do their "neighborhood watch" duty on it every day.
This was an absolute MONSTER to put together. The pieces are heavy (not something I hate) but they labeled NOTHING and threw all the hardware into one giant bag with no labels. The directions are just diagrams with no explanation as to how to actually put the thing together. The workmanship was shoddy, nothing lined up properly, I’m amazed it is even still standing. You can’t sit on the end of the bed because none of the slats actually connect and there’s about 2-3” on each side not covered by a mattress because they didn’t measure it properly. If I could give this zero stars, I would. Way too expensive for the absolute garbage I received.
This was easy to put together and a really great value for the price. 2 people to assemble is best, but you really could do it alone in a pinch. We used an 8 inch mattress for the top and a 6 inch mattress for the trundle.
The directions are simple and easy to understand.
Cute and super easy to assemble!
This product is good quality! Was super easy to assemble and comes with all assembly parts and tools. It took me about 30 minutes to put together and was so easily labeled that if you can’t do it then you probably don’t know how to put a cap back on a bottle of soda. We bough 8” mattresses on both bed and trundle. Really should get a 6” for trundle if you want an easy slide. We are only using trundle for guests so I’m not too worried about that. You have to lift the frame slightly with 8” mattress (frame is lightweight) and slide the trundle under, but it isn’t difficult and if you aren’t using everyday I don’t think it is an inconvenience. Package was super heavy! So you may need help getting it inside. My husband was able to carry it to the bedroom which is where I assembled it.
Easy to put together but time consuming
This product works for what I needed. Easy to put together but time consuming.
Great bed & easy instructions!
This trundle bed is amazing. Not only is it beautiful and sturdy, the instructions to put it together were so thorough. I did it myself and I am a female who is good figuring out things but not used to putting together furniture. I did dread it initially, but once I got started and took my time, I was done in about 1.5 hours. Someone who is handy could probably put both beds together is half that time. The bed does not squeak nor feel flimsy. We love it, our guests will love it and in the meantime, our dogs use it to lounge and do their "neighborhood watch" duty on it every day.
Very satisfied
This trundle saved a lot of space since i have 4 teenagers in one room. Money well spent and was very easy to assemble
This was an absolute MONSTER to put together. The pieces are heavy (not something I hate) but they labeled NOTHING and threw all the hardware into one giant bag with no labels. The directions are just diagrams with no explanation as to how to actually put the thing together. The workmanship was shoddy, nothing lined up properly, I’m amazed it is even still standing. You can’t sit on the end of the bed because none of the slats actually connect and there’s about 2-3” on each side not covered by a mattress because they didn’t measure it properly. If I could give this zero stars, I would. Way too expensive for the absolute garbage I received.
Great buy on a trundle bed!
This was an easy bed to assemble and use. It fits just right as a second bed with the extra trundle for unexpected sleep overs. It is very functional.
Great daybed
This was easy to assemble and came with simple instructions. All of my guests who have stayed over and used it a said they enjoyed it.
Great choice for the price
This was easy to put together and a really great value for the price. 2 people to assemble is best, but you really could do it alone in a pinch. We used an 8 inch mattress for the top and a 6 inch mattress for the trundle. The directions are simple and easy to understand.
This was easy to put together and perfect for our spare room/office!
Bed for Nephew
This was easy to put together and very good and sturdy bed for a 5 foot 11, 13 year old boy.
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