Pretty easy to assemble. I was missing one bracket in the hardware box for the trundle. Unfortunately they cant send just a bracket. has to send entire bed set and i have to get the bracket and ship package back . no cost to me but still a headache.otherwise love the bed. It appears sturdy .its for my 2 year old grandaughter. Time will tell.
Pretty good. Easy to assemble. Get better feet - the ones supplied fall apart very quickly. The space between slats is quite large, so don’t get a foam mattress, or plan on adding some plywood in there.
Pretty happy with the bed. The assembly instructions were clear and all tools required for assembly were provided. It was fairly easy to assemble. The bed is sturdy. Looks just like in the picture. The bed will need a thick mattress though - the bed base is just rods with no wooden plank so a thin mattress doesn't work.
Pretty nice quality bed and looks nice. It was very easy to put together (me and my husband did it in less than 2 hours with the kids still awake to slow us down). Recommend having an Allen wrench bit for your drill that helped speed things up. Directions weren't the best but it's pretty simple to figure out.
Product is lovely put together but the mattress i bought doesn't fit under the bed on the trundle. So take that into consideration. Also on a wood floor it is very easy to roll and move around
Please I need the bottom bed wheels because one broke, help me find the replacement, thanks
Por el momento esta bien
I recommend using your own tools.
Pretty easy to assemble, if you use your own tools and not the ones they send in the package. Once I switched to better tools it was easy.
Pretty easy to assemble
Pretty easy to assemble. I was missing one bracket in the hardware box for the trundle. Unfortunately they cant send just a bracket. has to send entire bed set and i have to get the bracket and ship package back . no cost to me but still a headache.otherwise love the bed. It appears sturdy .its for my 2 year old grandaughter. Time will tell.
Good product
Pretty easy to put together instructions are really good and looks as if does in the pictures my son loves it.
Mostly good
Pretty good. Easy to assemble. Get better feet - the ones supplied fall apart very quickly. The space between slats is quite large, so don’t get a foam mattress, or plan on adding some plywood in there.
Pretty happy with the bed. The assembly instructions were clear and all tools required for assembly were provided. It was fairly easy to assemble. The bed is sturdy. Looks just like in the picture. The bed will need a thick mattress though - the bed base is just rods with no wooden plank so a thin mattress doesn't work.
Pretty nice quality bed and looks nice. It was very easy to put together (me and my husband did it in less than 2 hours with the kids still awake to slow us down). Recommend having an Allen wrench bit for your drill that helped speed things up. Directions weren't the best but it's pretty simple to figure out.
Get a low mattress
Product is lovely put together but the mattress i bought doesn't fit under the bed on the trundle. So take that into consideration. Also on a wood floor it is very easy to roll and move around
Manufacturer provided professional service.
Product met all claims published. Assembly was minimal and easy. Delivery was surprisingly fast.
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