Id highly recommend for anyone looking for a cheap but sturdy and reliable childs bed. We bought two for our nieces to is when they visit. Both boxes arrived in perfect condition and were easy to assemble. Having two people help out it together was a plus. The only issue was one hole wasnt quite drilled enough on one of the rails but it was easy to fix. They look great and I highly recommend. I love it.
Its relatively easy to put together, I did it all by myself. This is a lower profile bed so you get lots of space underneath for boxes, crates and suitcases. The frame only sticks a small bit pass the mattress at edges. The given dimensions is on point to what i got. Overall the twin bed frame seems sturdy, I dont feel no movement or any squeaks. The wood finish is not high end, but mine is covered by a bed spread sheet. Great for small spaces and extra storage. I Would definitely buy again
Beautiful bed
Beautiful bed. Very resistant and of excellent quality. Went together easily
Great affordable child bed
Id highly recommend for anyone looking for a cheap but sturdy and reliable childs bed. We bought two for our nieces to is when they visit. Both boxes arrived in perfect condition and were easy to assemble. Having two people help out it together was a plus. The only issue was one hole wasnt quite drilled enough on one of the rails but it was easy to fix. They look great and I highly recommend. I love it.
White bed
very good bed good stuff. I was very pleased It looks nice
Sturdy, quick and easy set up
Its relatively easy to put together, I did it all by myself. This is a lower profile bed so you get lots of space underneath for boxes, crates and suitcases. The frame only sticks a small bit pass the mattress at edges. The given dimensions is on point to what i got. Overall the twin bed frame seems sturdy, I dont feel no movement or any squeaks. The wood finish is not high end, but mine is covered by a bed spread sheet. Great for small spaces and extra storage. I Would definitely buy again
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