Arrived in a box and super easy to assemble. Firm seat but I like it. I bought the orange and its a little brighter than I was expecting but I love it! that perfect for us
The chairs look great but theyre not very comfortable. The bottom cushion ok, a little stiff but the side arms are very hard. Theres maybe 1/4 padding around it. It gets points for looks but just 2 stars for comfort. If the inside arm rests had more patting Id give this 4 out of 5 stars but for that it gets 2 stars for comfort. That was a problem!!
Ordered this chair for lobby at my business. Very fashionable and sturdy, and have received many compliments on color and style. Very good price and see them lasting for many years. Easy to assemble and of course on time delivery with . It looks pretty good.
Its beautiful, but not very comfortable. It came with some marks on the cushion that I havent tried to get out yet, but its not that noticeable. It was really easy to put together and doesnt seem like it will have any structural issues. The fabric is sturdy but still soft enough for comfort, however, the cushioning isnt very comfortable. Cant throw your legs over the side because there isnt enough cushion without fulling the wood underneath. I still like it. Just not as perfect as I had hoped. Im happy
Its a cool accent armchair. Not very much for long comfort seating but for practical use and a cool interior design. Love the feel of the fabric and the color
This is a good product for the price. It was very easy to assemble/ it took me less than 15 minutes from unboxing to get this thing together. Its not a very comfortable chair, but it does the job as an accent piece and a place where someone can sit. Id buy it again. its very comfortable
Fits in the spot where we needed a chair. All is well. Not terribly comfortable. The seat cushion could be a little softer. Its a great chair for company that you dont want to stay too long to sit in. Works well
Just buy this one
Arrived in a box and super easy to assemble. Firm seat but I like it. I bought the orange and its a little brighter than I was expecting but I love it! that perfect for us
Colors are awsome, chair looks great, mid century perfect. Its pretty aming
Must have
This chair will brighten up any room. Looks good and feels good. youll be content
Looks nice but not comfortable.
The chairs look great but theyre not very comfortable. The bottom cushion ok, a little stiff but the side arms are very hard. Theres maybe 1/4 padding around it. It gets points for looks but just 2 stars for comfort. If the inside arm rests had more patting Id give this 4 out of 5 stars but for that it gets 2 stars for comfort. That was a problem!!
great size for a statement piece
The chair was not the color I needed but the seller worked with me. It was well made and sturdy.
Great fashionable chair
Ordered this chair for lobby at my business. Very fashionable and sturdy, and have received many compliments on color and style. Very good price and see them lasting for many years. Easy to assemble and of course on time delivery with . It looks pretty good.
Style, not comfort
Its beautiful, but not very comfortable. It came with some marks on the cushion that I havent tried to get out yet, but its not that noticeable. It was really easy to put together and doesnt seem like it will have any structural issues. The fabric is sturdy but still soft enough for comfort, however, the cushioning isnt very comfortable. Cant throw your legs over the side because there isnt enough cushion without fulling the wood underneath. I still like it. Just not as perfect as I had hoped. Im happy
Cool Accent Chair
Its a cool accent armchair. Not very much for long comfort seating but for practical use and a cool interior design. Love the feel of the fabric and the color
As described. Not comfortable
This is a good product for the price. It was very easy to assemble/ it took me less than 15 minutes from unboxing to get this thing together. Its not a very comfortable chair, but it does the job as an accent piece and a place where someone can sit. Id buy it again. its very comfortable
Nice looking
Fits in the spot where we needed a chair. All is well. Not terribly comfortable. The seat cushion could be a little softer. Its a great chair for company that you dont want to stay too long to sit in. Works well
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