The bed looks ok after assembly. It is comfortable however I am not too sure how sturdy it is. With regards to the assembly, I found it wasy to assemble.
The delivery took ages to be made unfortunately and a piece is still missing which the seller has said he will provide in a few days.
I love it. The directions was too long (definitely a shorter way of assembling it)
Other than the long drawn assemblies. I love it!
You get what you pay for
The bed looks ok after assembly. It is comfortable however I am not too sure how sturdy it is. With regards to the assembly, I found it wasy to assemble. The delivery took ages to be made unfortunately and a piece is still missing which the seller has said he will provide in a few days.
My kid loves their new bed
Instructions were easy to understand and assembly was easy too
She is pretty
I liked it a lot, the boards are thin, however it fulfills its function and resists more than 200 lbs.
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