Sturdy, great size, perfect for my 4 year old son who is 80ish lbs.. pretty easy to put together, I did it by myself -took me about 45 minutes. Comes with everything you need. Love it.
My 3 year old absolutely loves this!! Was pretty easy to assemble. Very sturdy, came in about a week. Literally the best idea ever. Such good quality!!! So glad I purchased!!
Lovely baby girl and nephews love it!!
Lovely ,Lovely baby girl and nephews love it!!
Good quality company and product
The company is understanding and easy to work with. The product was high quality, would recommend to anyone.
Springs at the post arent fully covered.
The Grands love this, only concern is that the springs near the posts arent fully covered and little fingers can get pinched
Sturdy, great size, perfect for my 4 year old son who is 80ish lbs.. pretty easy to put together, I did it by myself -took me about 45 minutes. Comes with everything you need. Love it.
Love it
My great nephew loves this because its full of balls and he loves playing with them.
Loooove it
My 3 year old absolutely loves this!! Was pretty easy to assemble. Very sturdy, came in about a week. Literally the best idea ever. Such good quality!!! So glad I purchased!!
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