I love this toddler bed. Its quite sturdy and was easy to assemble. Hoping we get a couple years before transitioning to a fullsize bed. Very functional.
Love the bed! Was a little iffy while putting it together but turned out perfect. My son loves it. Perfect size for him to grow into and get used to now that the crib is gone. Very easy to set up!
The bed is really cute and leaves the room a lot of room for the kids to play. Easy to move around . However, it took my childs father to put together due to the confusion on how to assemble the product . He followed exactly how it said however the instructions where backwards . So he had to redo the bit he had done. Worth getting but also also need some patience . My son loves it!!
My little girl loves it
Easy to put together! Pretty color but wish I would have gotten white instead. Thank you so much.
Get toddler bed
I love this toddler bed. Its quite sturdy and was easy to assemble. Hoping we get a couple years before transitioning to a fullsize bed. Very functional.
Three years old and still sleeping in it Works great!
Would buy again for 70 bucks, finish is good and bed is sturdy, I can lay in it at 170lbs Perfect!!
I recommend it
I loved how easily we assembled the pieces in excellent condition. Thank you Very Sturdy product.
I loved how easily we assembled the pieces in excellent condition. Thank you
Very easy to assemble. I really liked the little bed and Nina also liked it yes we like it.
Love the bed! Was a little iffy while putting it together but turned out perfect. My son loves it. Perfect size for him to grow into and get used to now that the crib is gone. Very easy to set up!
Excellent product
worth buying Really good.
The bed is really cute and leaves the room a lot of room for the kids to play. Easy to move around . However, it took my childs father to put together due to the confusion on how to assemble the product . He followed exactly how it said however the instructions where backwards . So he had to redo the bit he had done. Worth getting but also also need some patience . My son loves it!!
Good for price
Easy to assemble Very well made.
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