It was kind of complicated to set up. Overall my toddler really enjoys it. Very sturdy and doesnt seem like it would break if my toddler were to jump on the bed. Expected.
Best looking toddler bed for the price. I love the look to this bed. Looks like a high end expensive bed. I saw other plastic beds around the same price. Once put together its solid and sturdy. I would not recommend an adult sitting on it however due to the material of the slats. The slats are made of basic wood but I feel like just stepping on one could break it in half. Obviously this has a weight limit so if you dont exceed it there wont be an issue.
When assembling this bed I got super frustrated when it came to the slats. Basically the slats keep slipping out with the slightest movement until the very last step where you put on the middle support posts, those posts hood the whole bottom together are prevent the slats from being able to slip out. This bed took me an hour and a half to assemble alone. Good deal and was easy to put together.
This is a really cute toddler bed and the quality for the 80 price tag is justified. Wasnt too complicated to assemble, my husband had it done in a little under 2 hours. I love it space saver I am back to buy another one.
To assemble its not easy you have to read the instructions carefully Ive undone it quite a few times luck that Im patient but I dont encourage you to buy it its too cheap it looks like were sleeping on the floor.
I love this toddler bed, would have give it 5 stars except I wish it came with the little plastic covers to hide all the screws. Regardless I would recommend it Nice!
Its okay
It was kind of complicated to set up. Overall my toddler really enjoys it. Very sturdy and doesnt seem like it would break if my toddler were to jump on the bed. Expected.
Very light weight but works well for my toddlers (5
Very light weight but works well for my toddlers (5,4 and 2). Be aware it is about 8 inches of the ground Assembling.
Best looking toddler bed, assembly docked a star
Best looking toddler bed for the price. I love the look to this bed. Looks like a high end expensive bed. I saw other plastic beds around the same price. Once put together its solid and sturdy. I would not recommend an adult sitting on it however due to the material of the slats. The slats are made of basic wood but I feel like just stepping on one could break it in half. Obviously this has a weight limit so if you dont exceed it there wont be an issue. When assembling this bed I got super frustrated when it came to the slats. Basically the slats keep slipping out with the slightest movement until the very last step where you put on the middle support posts, those posts hood the whole bottom together are prevent the slats from being able to slip out. This bed took me an hour and a half to assemble alone. Good deal and was easy to put together.
Not bad for 80!
This is a really cute toddler bed and the quality for the 80 price tag is justified. Wasnt too complicated to assemble, my husband had it done in a little under 2 hours. I love it space saver I am back to buy another one.
Kid loves it
Its pretty good, nothing special but its for sleeping so meh Easy directions.
To assemble its not easy you have to read the instructions carefully Ive undone it quite a few times luck that Im patient but I dont encourage you to buy it its too cheap it looks like were sleeping on the floor.
Bed easy to assemble and the quantity is not deplorable
Childrens bed Excellent product!
nice purchase
Satisfied Bought two great value for the money, durable.
would have been nice if the side rail was longer but other than
would have been nice if the side rail was longer but other than that good product for the price Great Product.
I love this toddler bed
I love this toddler bed, would have give it 5 stars except I wish it came with the little plastic covers to hide all the screws. Regardless I would recommend it Nice!
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