I liked this product overall. I couldnt find the perfect bed frame until I came across this one and fell in love. The tools and screws came together, it was just my friends and I had a hard time putting it together. After we got the hang of it, it became easier and we were in love with the outcome.
Easy to follow instructions, simple assembly, sturdy, and super fast delivery (even came a day early). Just waiting on my canopy netting and it will be complete! I love it!
This product came in a single box which was easy enough to pick up alone. Assembly took roughly 40 minutes with two people helping at parts to support crossmember beams. Great looking product, family very pleased with the quality of item. If you assemble the bed entirely without fully tightening the screws in place it will ease the assembly process. Tighten after full assembly is complete. This helped get all the parts to align easier.
Perfect for Kids
Bought 2 of these for my twin girls. Hoping they love them!
good for moving into new house
my wife and i feel like its sturdy enough.
Very gorgeous
Very beautiful and fits my room perfectly for a full bedroom
Great product!
It was very easy to assemble and looks really cute!
Nice for its price!
Nice for its price!
so great
Love this bed frame so much, I was a little skeptical but its quite sturdy.
Excellent bed for the price
Beautiful bed made with not thick metal but sturdy. It has a lot of screws and bolts but was not too difficult to build.
I liked this product overall. I couldnt find the perfect bed frame until I came across this one and fell in love. The tools and screws came together, it was just my friends and I had a hard time putting it together. After we got the hang of it, it became easier and we were in love with the outcome.
Easy to follow instructions, simple assembly, sturdy, and super fast delivery (even came a day early). Just waiting on my canopy netting and it will be complete! I love it!
Great Value!! Beautiful Bed!!
This product came in a single box which was easy enough to pick up alone. Assembly took roughly 40 minutes with two people helping at parts to support crossmember beams. Great looking product, family very pleased with the quality of item. If you assemble the bed entirely without fully tightening the screws in place it will ease the assembly process. Tighten after full assembly is complete. This helped get all the parts to align easier.
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