Overall this is pretty good quality and my daughter loves her new bed! It was fairly easy to set up, but there were a couple slight problems we ran into. One of the bars was bent, but it was bent back on the part that the screw goes into so when screwed into place it bent back the right way and the problem fixed itself. One of the other bars that run across where the mattress lies was manufactured wrong because it did not line up properly. It was twisted. We were able to figure out how to get it to go in place by using a clamp and twisting really hard to get it to line up and it went in correctly after that. Over all this was a great purchase and Im happy with it and would buy it again. looks nice
Is very cute and super easy to put together but is loud!!! If your kid moves to much at night and their room is next to yours dont buy it. I hate closing my door at night but now I have to because I can not take how loud that thing is and it makes me feel that with all that movement it will come apart but we will see. The product is okay
Needs a mattress holder for the bottom bunk to prevent the mattress from slipping off of the slick frame, but otherwise a very nice set of bunk beds. Easy enough to assemble just had to use some of our own hex keys to make the process a little faster. Nice looking.
Nice and sturdy bunk bed. I love the higher rail for the top bed. I put an 8 inch mattress in the top and bottom bunks for my 4 and 5 year olds and theres plenty of space for both of them and Im not worried about my 5 year old rolling off the top. Theres still enough railing to keep him safe. Any younger than 5 and i would probably do a 6 inch mattress just for my own peace of mind. My kids love it. The stairs are rounded so they hurt my feet when i crawl up there but my kid doesnt care at all. Nice bunk bed for the price. I built it on my own with no problems. Nice finish
Easy to assemble and solid construction. Assembly only uses two main bolt sizes and provided Allen Wrenched make assembly easy. Supplied wall safety bracket was nice as mine is for teens at holiday cabin I did not bother. Bed is sturdy to the point I took a nap on it. Its pretty aming
My daughter loves her bed! We put it together in three hours and it seems pretty sturdy for a loft. We are very satisfied with our purchase. youll be content
Great price, great bed and exactly as described the instruction leave some room for improvement but we still figured it out pretty quickly. Overall I think this is perfect for my 8 yo and her friends! Its a beautiful teal color despite the apple green listing It looks pretty good.
Overall happy
Overall this is pretty good quality and my daughter loves her new bed! It was fairly easy to set up, but there were a couple slight problems we ran into. One of the bars was bent, but it was bent back on the part that the screw goes into so when screwed into place it bent back the right way and the problem fixed itself. One of the other bars that run across where the mattress lies was manufactured wrong because it did not line up properly. It was twisted. We were able to figure out how to get it to go in place by using a clamp and twisting really hard to get it to line up and it went in correctly after that. Over all this was a great purchase and Im happy with it and would buy it again. looks nice
Buy ear plugs
Is very cute and super easy to put together but is loud!!! If your kid moves to much at night and their room is next to yours dont buy it. I hate closing my door at night but now I have to because I can not take how loud that thing is and it makes me feel that with all that movement it will come apart but we will see. The product is okay
My daughter loves it
Its a bit higher then we thought but my daughter loves it you really do get what you pay for.
Needs a mattress holder
Needs a mattress holder for the bottom bunk to prevent the mattress from slipping off of the slick frame, but otherwise a very nice set of bunk beds. Easy enough to assemble just had to use some of our own hex keys to make the process a little faster. Nice looking.
Love the higher guardrail
Nice and sturdy bunk bed. I love the higher rail for the top bed. I put an 8 inch mattress in the top and bottom bunks for my 4 and 5 year olds and theres plenty of space for both of them and Im not worried about my 5 year old rolling off the top. Theres still enough railing to keep him safe. Any younger than 5 and i would probably do a 6 inch mattress just for my own peace of mind. My kids love it. The stairs are rounded so they hurt my feet when i crawl up there but my kid doesnt care at all. Nice bunk bed for the price. I built it on my own with no problems. Nice finish
Way ez to put together
Took me about 2 hrs. By myself. Looks great. Minimalist in my studio apt fits perfect in my home
Easy to assemble
Cute and sturdy bed. Climbing the ladder hurts the feet needs some type of padding. Overall my daughter loves the bed. that perfect for us
Sturdy all metal frame
Easy to assemble and solid construction. Assembly only uses two main bolt sizes and provided Allen Wrenched make assembly easy. Supplied wall safety bracket was nice as mine is for teens at holiday cabin I did not bother. Bed is sturdy to the point I took a nap on it. Its pretty aming
Best loft bed for your money!
My daughter loves her bed! We put it together in three hours and it seems pretty sturdy for a loft. We are very satisfied with our purchase. youll be content
Teal, not apple green!
Great price, great bed and exactly as described the instruction leave some room for improvement but we still figured it out pretty quickly. Overall I think this is perfect for my 8 yo and her friends! Its a beautiful teal color despite the apple green listing It looks pretty good.
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