Beautiful color, I ordered blue. Easy to assemble, comfortable for sitting. I ordered a mattress topper in case I need it for a guest. Really good buy Easy assembly.
Seems ok for a child to sleep on. Definitely not for an adult. Easy to put together but be careful with the legs that connects the two halves. Its plastic and can break easily. Love it!
It is the PERFECT color! I was honestly holding my breath waiting for it to arrive because the description and the reviews called it many different colors. It was even better than expected! And so easy to put together! I did it by myself with a herniated disc even though they instructions recommended two people, no problem. So fun and stylish and perfect for this living space! Works great.
I have looked and looked for the perfect piece to compliment my office for months, I had this item in my cart in almost every color, the rosy pink went out of stock and I panicked, which told me the rosy pink was the one for me. As soon as it came back in stock I bought it, and Im SO HAPPY I did. The piece fits perfectly in my office and compliments the esthetic I have. It is firm, but comfortable for shorter periods of sitting, could be because its brand new and hasnt been sat on before, and the velvet is so soft. I would definitely recommend. It was so simple to put together, I did it completely by myself, though my dog felt I needed some help opening the cardboard so she volunteered to rip it to shreds. Good!!
Very easy to assemble, you only need less than 30 minutes just make sure you use the accurate legs/parts. Dont expect it to be super soft, unless you add a topper for sleeping. Overall, its aesthetically pleasing, thats what I really like about this sofa bed. Satisfied.
Good product value for the price.
No complaints. Good product so far. Perfect.
Classy, beautiful
Beautiful color, I ordered blue. Easy to assemble, comfortable for sitting. I ordered a mattress topper in case I need it for a guest. Really good buy Easy assembly.
Its small for only a child.
Seems ok for a child to sleep on. Definitely not for an adult. Easy to put together but be careful with the legs that connects the two halves. Its plastic and can break easily. Love it!
Beautiful little couch
Simply to assembly and beautiful addition to my office Better than expected.
Statement Color that ties the room together!
It is the PERFECT color! I was honestly holding my breath waiting for it to arrive because the description and the reviews called it many different colors. It was even better than expected! And so easy to put together! I did it by myself with a herniated disc even though they instructions recommended two people, no problem. So fun and stylish and perfect for this living space! Works great.
This is smaller than it looks
I like the futon but it is smaller than I thought. It is still pretty nice. Good,
Looks great Good Value
Very easy to assemble. Looks attractive but not very comfortable. Good to sit on but not to sleep on. Just as seen in the picture!!!
Nice but their pink color is not that pretty
Easy to assemble, good purchase over all, competitive price, could be more sturdy. Great. Very good. Recommended.
Perfect piece for my office
I have looked and looked for the perfect piece to compliment my office for months, I had this item in my cart in almost every color, the rosy pink went out of stock and I panicked, which told me the rosy pink was the one for me. As soon as it came back in stock I bought it, and Im SO HAPPY I did. The piece fits perfectly in my office and compliments the esthetic I have. It is firm, but comfortable for shorter periods of sitting, could be because its brand new and hasnt been sat on before, and the velvet is so soft. I would definitely recommend. It was so simple to put together, I did it completely by myself, though my dog felt I needed some help opening the cardboard so she volunteered to rip it to shreds. Good!!
aesthetically pleasing
Very easy to assemble, you only need less than 30 minutes just make sure you use the accurate legs/parts. Dont expect it to be super soft, unless you add a topper for sleeping. Overall, its aesthetically pleasing, thats what I really like about this sofa bed. Satisfied.
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