It looks nice, my son loves it. However, its a pain to put it together. Labelling is horrible and almost non existent. They should step up the game and invest 5-10$ into proper labels and instructions. If you think furniture sucks, try this one :).
If you going to do this by yourself be prepared to take more than 4+ hours to get this done . Overall my daughters love it. the instruction was pretty self explanatory. Take your time so you wont mess up with the screws. Sturdy, great for the price
Was easy to put up just takes a good few hours. Great bed very sturdy and lots of fun, perfect for 3 year old. Also delivered sooner than the date given which was a nice surprise. Looks nice happy with the purchase
Box 1 of 3 delivered on time, it took 2 more weeks for box 2 of 3 and 3 of 3. There were about 5 pieces where the holes were in the incorrect place. The instructions are not always clear or wrong, you need to look at the next step to confirm layout. They put screws in bags with a tiny piece of paper and you need to organize them before you get started. Beware the pictures of the screws do not match the screw. You need to look at the length to identify them. It was definitely a frustrating build but we managed to put it together and our son loves it. Doesnt assemble easily
I was really dreading the arrival of the bunk bed since I thought assembly was going to be difficult, but to my surprise the assembly wasnt as complicated. I was able to assemble it all on my own and it took me about 2 hours to complete using a drill. The bunk is sturdy. I would give it 5 stars, but Im not sure how long the slats will last on the top bunk. Might have to get something to reinforce for when my daughter gets older. My girls love it however. I can say I am pleased with this purchase. Really well made,would buy again!!!
Nice but hard to put together
It looks nice, my son loves it. However, its a pain to put it together. Labelling is horrible and almost non existent. They should step up the game and invest 5-10$ into proper labels and instructions. If you think furniture sucks, try this one :).
My daughters love their bed
If you going to do this by yourself be prepared to take more than 4+ hours to get this done . Overall my daughters love it. the instruction was pretty self explanatory. Take your time so you wont mess up with the screws. Sturdy, great for the price
My son love his new bed and it came 2 weeks early!!!
Easy to assemble. My child likes it. Buy it! What are you waiting for?
Love this bed
Sturdy bed grandkids love it Amazing product and worth the price
Great Bed, kids love
Was easy to put up just takes a good few hours. Great bed very sturdy and lots of fun, perfect for 3 year old. Also delivered sooner than the date given which was a nice surprise. Looks nice happy with the purchase
Use a hex drill bit!
Having a hex drill bit and a drill helped a great deal!!!! great for the money. well made
The bunk of their dreams
This is a great product and very fun for the kids. The slide is on the steep side, so not for toddlers. Affordable and very nice!
Difficult to assemble
Box 1 of 3 delivered on time, it took 2 more weeks for box 2 of 3 and 3 of 3. There were about 5 pieces where the holes were in the incorrect place. The instructions are not always clear or wrong, you need to look at the next step to confirm layout. They put screws in bags with a tiny piece of paper and you need to organize them before you get started. Beware the pictures of the screws do not match the screw. You need to look at the length to identify them. It was definitely a frustrating build but we managed to put it together and our son loves it. Doesnt assemble easily
Perfect for kids!
I was really dreading the arrival of the bunk bed since I thought assembly was going to be difficult, but to my surprise the assembly wasnt as complicated. I was able to assemble it all on my own and it took me about 2 hours to complete using a drill. The bunk is sturdy. I would give it 5 stars, but Im not sure how long the slats will last on the top bunk. Might have to get something to reinforce for when my daughter gets older. My girls love it however. I can say I am pleased with this purchase. Really well made,would buy again!!!
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