Assembly was straight forward. My fiance maybe said 2 curse words during assembly. The bed looks nice and is sturdy. My 7 year old loves it. Fantastic and Sturdy.
My son is so tiny and still fit in his toddler bed at age 7 but we felt it was time to get him a bigger bed. He picked this out himself. It was very easy to put together and it very sturdy. I love that you can put the shelves and dresser anywhere you want. We have 1 shelve against the wall, on at the end of the bed and the dresser under the bed. Easy to set up.
Sturdy. Had all the pieces. Nothing was broken. Really happy with how it turned out. Only complaint was that some of the pieces didnt have holes where there should have been some. We had to measure and drill them ourselves. So that was kind of a pain. But it still looks great and my little man loves it. Enjoyed it.
We bought this bed for our childs birthday and were pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to assemble and how great the quality was for an online purchase. Our child loves it and were very happy with it overall. I will note that you need two people for part of the bed assembly but the bookshelves and dresser are easy for one person. highly recommend. The only downside is the weight limit for the bed is lower than expected. well just reinforce it when that time comes but well have years before we get to that point! I love this!
Love this bed and the price was aming! It was very easy to put together, between myself and my other half, we got it together in about 2 hours or so. We love that the book cases can come out and are not drilled to the bed. My 10 year old built a fort under it to play video games with his friends under. Im so happy I decided to get this!! Adorable,
Bought this for my grandson he loves it. They put led lights under it for his hideout. Very well made and looks great. Well we worth the money Get it!!
Honestly, weve had my sons new bed set up for only 3 weeks but so far its great!!! The finish/color is very pretty and its a perfect fit for a toddler. The low loft allows him to get in out safely but also has enough space underneath to utilize! I moved the 2nd shelf to his closet so he can get under his bed play but can always add it if needed. The instructions were easy took my husband I about an hour to put together. This bed should last him until he gets to be a teenager. I am hopeful its sturdy enough for that. Ill re/update if I have any issues. Lots of space.
Aming product
Love it beautiful color easy too put together. My son absolutely loves it and the space underneath it!! Fantastic Size.
Not too shabby
Assembly was straight forward. My fiance maybe said 2 curse words during assembly. The bed looks nice and is sturdy. My 7 year old loves it. Fantastic and Sturdy.
Would recommend
Good product would recommend My mom loves it.
My son loves his new bed!!!!
My son is so tiny and still fit in his toddler bed at age 7 but we felt it was time to get him a bigger bed. He picked this out himself. It was very easy to put together and it very sturdy. I love that you can put the shelves and dresser anywhere you want. We have 1 shelve against the wall, on at the end of the bed and the dresser under the bed. Easy to set up.
Had some missing holes
Sturdy. Had all the pieces. Nothing was broken. Really happy with how it turned out. Only complaint was that some of the pieces didnt have holes where there should have been some. We had to measure and drill them ourselves. So that was kind of a pain. But it still looks great and my little man loves it. Enjoyed it.
so happy with this purchase
We bought this bed for our childs birthday and were pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to assemble and how great the quality was for an online purchase. Our child loves it and were very happy with it overall. I will note that you need two people for part of the bed assembly but the bookshelves and dresser are easy for one person. highly recommend. The only downside is the weight limit for the bed is lower than expected. well just reinforce it when that time comes but well have years before we get to that point! I love this!
Great bed and value.
Good quality, arrived in 3/4 boxes, was easy to put together and sturdy. Would highly recommend. Good product!
Great bed for a great price
Love this bed and the price was aming! It was very easy to put together, between myself and my other half, we got it together in about 2 hours or so. We love that the book cases can come out and are not drilled to the bed. My 10 year old built a fort under it to play video games with his friends under. Im so happy I decided to get this!! Adorable,
Great purchase
Bought this for my grandson he loves it. They put led lights under it for his hideout. Very well made and looks great. Well we worth the money Get it!!
Perfect set up for a kids room!
Honestly, weve had my sons new bed set up for only 3 weeks but so far its great!!! The finish/color is very pretty and its a perfect fit for a toddler. The low loft allows him to get in out safely but also has enough space underneath to utilize! I moved the 2nd shelf to his closet so he can get under his bed play but can always add it if needed. The instructions were easy took my husband I about an hour to put together. This bed should last him until he gets to be a teenager. I am hopeful its sturdy enough for that. Ill re/update if I have any issues. Lots of space.
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