The instructions said it would take 45 minutes to assemble. This is hilarious. maybe if you had a team of two both with drills who knew this thing inside and out, but definitely give yourself for hours at least. other than the assembly time, the product is very well/made, looks great, and seems very sturdy. I would recommend it. Definitely worth it.
The bed is sturdy and I was able to assemble it mostly on my own. There were a couple of times my husband had to help me with lining up the screws and the holes. There were also chips in three different areas, the most noticeable on the foot board of the top bunk. Where the screw meets the board the wood split. I need to reach out to customer service still so I do not know what the policy on having it replaced is. Otherwise the bed does not shake, it withstands my 5 year old climbing up and down as well as my eighteen months old attempts to follow suit after big brother. It looks nice in our space and a good value for the price. Effective.
Im terrible at putting things together like this, and although I was initially a little overwhelmed by all of the pieces, the instructions were very clear and easy to follow. Alone, I put this together in about 3 hours. It is sturdier than any bunk bed Ive ever seen, and its nice to have it so close to the ground for my youngest who just turned 3. Excellent set for a pretty good price, I definitely recommend! Love this!
love these worth the money very easy to put together the girls loved them As expected.
Great buy. Give yourslwe ALOT of time.
The instructions said it would take 45 minutes to assemble. This is hilarious. maybe if you had a team of two both with drills who knew this thing inside and out, but definitely give yourself for hours at least. other than the assembly time, the product is very well/made, looks great, and seems very sturdy. I would recommend it. Definitely worth it.
I love it Good one.
Super easy step by step instructions to assemble. Kids loved the bed. I love thats theres no space UNDER the bed for them to hide stuff. Looks great.
nice for the money
grandkids love them Nicely made.
Delivered on time
Perfect the bunk beds came out aming my kids love it so much Great value.
Perfect bunk bed for kids
Easy to assemble, no need for power tools. Just right for my toddler, he loves to sleep on top bunk. Sturdy. Assemble.
Great bed but came with chips
The bed is sturdy and I was able to assemble it mostly on my own. There were a couple of times my husband had to help me with lining up the screws and the holes. There were also chips in three different areas, the most noticeable on the foot board of the top bunk. Where the screw meets the board the wood split. I need to reach out to customer service still so I do not know what the policy on having it replaced is. Otherwise the bed does not shake, it withstands my 5 year old climbing up and down as well as my eighteen months old attempts to follow suit after big brother. It looks nice in our space and a good value for the price. Effective.
Highly recommend! My 5 yr old loves it, and its very nice. Easy as it says.
Pick this bunk bed!!
Im terrible at putting things together like this, and although I was initially a little overwhelmed by all of the pieces, the instructions were very clear and easy to follow. Alone, I put this together in about 3 hours. It is sturdier than any bunk bed Ive ever seen, and its nice to have it so close to the ground for my youngest who just turned 3. Excellent set for a pretty good price, I definitely recommend! Love this!
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