Easy to put together, instructions were small and kind of difficult to see. Definitely not a deal breaker. They did not give me one of the bolts required for assembly. Good quality for the price. Looks just as advertised. Im happy with the product.
I got this frame a few weeks ago and I can honestly say Im a bit disappointed.
The quality is just not there. It wobbles, even when everything is secured tightly. Its also very short. My last bedframe was about 6-8 inches higher and that felt like a much more comfortable height for a bedframe. My comforter almost touches the carpet.
It does look nice and does its job, so Ill see how much time I can get out of it, but I cant recommend buying this product based on the lack of quality.
I have mixed luck with product quality but this did NOT disappoint! First lets mention the packaging. Even the styrofoam was wrapped in plastic so I didnt have tiny particles everywhere. What a huge bonus! The hardware is packaged and well marked and I was able to easily complete all steps myself (50+ female) without issue. The color is a deep navy blue and the quality is exceptional not just for the price but in general.
No smell
It doesnt really smell like anything
This bed is so low and head board is small. I would not buy again.
It is a queen size bed but it looks like doll furniture
Nice bed frame
This bed frame is sturdy and easy to assemble. My wife and I did it in about 30 minutes.
Good product
Easy to put together, instructions were small and kind of difficult to see. Definitely not a deal breaker. They did not give me one of the bolts required for assembly. Good quality for the price. Looks just as advertised. Im happy with the product.
Cheaply made and kind of short.
I got this frame a few weeks ago and I can honestly say Im a bit disappointed. The quality is just not there. It wobbles, even when everything is secured tightly. Its also very short. My last bedframe was about 6-8 inches higher and that felt like a much more comfortable height for a bedframe. My comforter almost touches the carpet. It does look nice and does its job, so Ill see how much time I can get out of it, but I cant recommend buying this product based on the lack of quality.
Great value; looks better than expected
Great bed! Easy to assemble. Im happy with the product.
Nice and easy!
Nice and easy!
Good Product
Bed frame came with everything very strong. Also very pretty. It had good texture.
Very easy to put together !!!!
I have mixed luck with product quality but this did NOT disappoint! First lets mention the packaging. Even the styrofoam was wrapped in plastic so I didnt have tiny particles everywhere. What a huge bonus! The hardware is packaged and well marked and I was able to easily complete all steps myself (50+ female) without issue. The color is a deep navy blue and the quality is exceptional not just for the price but in general.
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