I bought this for my kids, and I have to say, it really is a nice, easy to assemble desk. The instructions were quite clear as to what to do step by step, and the parts were packaged neatly in a plastic bag. The bonus screwdriver was cool, although I did not use it. It all went smooth as I did it by myself taking my time UNTIL I got to of the LAST stepsattaching the shelf to the top. The middle support holes did not line up, man was I bummed. I had to fix that myself. So, it is that reason that I only gave it four stars, otherwise, it is a great desk.
Bought this desk for my 3 year old. She loves it and it feels solid and sturdy that she will use it for many years! Great size not to big and not to small. Perfect for a childrens room!
I was prepared to go through the headache of missing parts, incomplete instructions, misaligned pieces (you know what I mean). I opened this box and I was amed. all of the pieces were there, they even gave a bag of spare parts for each screw needed. The instructions were so clear and understandable. I had NO problem getting this put together in about 45 minutes. I would advise you have some help you with holding things together when assembling some parts. Were very pleased with this purchase and will definitely visit this seller again.
Bought this for my eleven/year/old daughter and its perfect. When it arrived the box was really heavy and once I set it up I understood why. Because the material is really good and the instructions are really easy to follow. Would highly recommend this desk
Quality desk at a great price!
Great desk for my son! His room is in the smaller side and it fits perfectly! Great desk for the price!
great desk
good desk, holds together well. i have it loaded down and its still standing straight
Happy with purchase
This was purchased as a student desk in my childs bedroom. Looks nice and good size.
Great value!
I bought this for my kids, and I have to say, it really is a nice, easy to assemble desk. The instructions were quite clear as to what to do step by step, and the parts were packaged neatly in a plastic bag. The bonus screwdriver was cool, although I did not use it. It all went smooth as I did it by myself taking my time UNTIL I got to of the LAST stepsattaching the shelf to the top. The middle support holes did not line up, man was I bummed. I had to fix that myself. So, it is that reason that I only gave it four stars, otherwise, it is a great desk.
Good looking piece.
A couple hiccups with thy he hardware but worked perfectly for my location and constraints.
Solid and sturdy
Bought this desk for my 3 year old. She loves it and it feels solid and sturdy that she will use it for many years! Great size not to big and not to small. Perfect for a childrens room!
Best Furniture Purchase Ever!
I was prepared to go through the headache of missing parts, incomplete instructions, misaligned pieces (you know what I mean). I opened this box and I was amed. all of the pieces were there, they even gave a bag of spare parts for each screw needed. The instructions were so clear and understandable. I had NO problem getting this put together in about 45 minutes. I would advise you have some help you with holding things together when assembling some parts. Were very pleased with this purchase and will definitely visit this seller again.
Really nice
Bought this for my eleven/year/old daughter and its perfect. When it arrived the box was really heavy and once I set it up I understood why. Because the material is really good and the instructions are really easy to follow. Would highly recommend this desk
easy and simple
Just what a needed for a studio . Easy to put together; sturdy for my items; just perfect.
Missing piece.
Missing piece. The product support journey begins. Edit: missing piece showed up 3 business data later
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