Got this for my room, and I'm very happy I did. It's comfortable, sturdy and stylish. The cupholder is an added bonus. For the price, It's worth it. It could use some additional padding around the edges where your rest your arms, but that's my only (minor) con.
These are our favorite chairs for fireside enjoyment out back. They are big and comfortable and came with carrying bags.which make transporting them between storage and yard easy.
Wasn't sure if I wanted to invest this much money into a chair for my daughter's dorm room...glad I did! She loves it and her roommate is jealous. Incredibly comfortable, stylish, and doesn't take up too much room. Collapses and slips into the carry bag when she needs to get it out of the way. Sits in it everyday, and seems to be holding up with no signs of wear. Wide enough she can sit with her legs crossed and her lap-top on her lap. Even has a place for her water bottle. Great purchase!
Currently in a fight with my dog over it!
Very comfy, large, soft. We love it!
Comfy and Stylish
Got this for my room, and I'm very happy I did. It's comfortable, sturdy and stylish. The cupholder is an added bonus. For the price, It's worth it. It could use some additional padding around the edges where your rest your arms, but that's my only (minor) con.
Dorm furniture
Seems sturdy but arrived ripped
Really like it. Bigger than I expected. Sits tall and wide. But Arrived with a rip underneath so I requested a replacement.
Our favorite backyard chairs
These are our favorite chairs for fireside enjoyment out back. They are big and comfortable and came with carrying bags.which make transporting them between storage and yard easy.
Stylish and comfortable
Love this chair! Deep seating and it hugs you. Very comfortable and stylish.
Perfect for Dorm Room
Wasn't sure if I wanted to invest this much money into a chair for my daughter's dorm room...glad I did! She loves it and her roommate is jealous. Incredibly comfortable, stylish, and doesn't take up too much room. Collapses and slips into the carry bag when she needs to get it out of the way. Sits in it everyday, and seems to be holding up with no signs of wear. Wide enough she can sit with her legs crossed and her lap-top on her lap. Even has a place for her water bottle. Great purchase!
nice chair for a college kid
college aged son loves this chair and says it's quite comfortable.
Soft and comfortable
Quite comfortable.
Bought for my grand daughter's dorm room. She loves it!
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