Shipped quickly, super easy to assemble (my 10 year old did it himself), and is very sturdy! Very happy with this purchase. Highly recommend. We also found a matching desk!
Easy to put together! The price was great! Simple, just what I wanted to go in my sons room. Sturdy and holds up well! High enough off the brought to fit his toy bins under. My only wish is, I wish it had something to keep the bed in its place. Its slides a bit. Actually thinking of adding cabinet shelf slip guards underneath the mattress
Its solid looks very modern easy to use has small hand tools for the different fasteners it has easy directions for assembling the bed just take your time another great thing it it come with extra fasteners and things like that in case you lose them some how would buy for kids and guess bed room or single guy minimalist if your 200lbs or more I would recommend a platform evade bed however its very sturdy and all steel so it shouldnt give a lot of trouble if you do sleep on it at that weight
Ill be sleeping on this for many years to come as its easily large enough and sturdy enough for me, two small dogs, and a cat. Shipment was much faster than anticipated and assembly was a breeze, with only one hiccup. I struggled to screw in one bolt in for 10 minutes or so couldnt get it to grab so I went into the spare parts bag, found another, and it went in immediately. Instructions were clear, and this attractive bed was priced just right. Thanks!!
The design at the price is why I purchased this for my boy. It looks good and seems sturdy enough for a 6yo. I marked this down because my box was crushed and open. All the parts were just thrown in the box as if I was getting a returned item. The instructions were not difficult if youve built numerous other things. But the most difficult part of this was getting the headboard and footing on to the rails. The tolerance is tight. I had to use a lot of muscle to line the holes up. I got it and Im happy with it for the price paid.
Bed frame looks aming, not so hard to put together BUT, I had the worst sleep, back pains sleeping with the bed frame. I have a 10 foam mattress is much better on the ground than on this bed frame. It stiffens the bed and It ruined the experience completely. Now my bed is back on the floor while I look for a better frame.
Very easy to follow instructions for assembly. Sturdy bed for a great price! We got this for our toddler, but my husband lays down with him in it and I can sit on it to read to him at night, so its sturdy enough to hold an adult. The only thing Im unhappy with, is that the mattress slides around pretty easy, but its manageable.
My son loves it!
Shipped quickly, super easy to assemble (my 10 year old did it himself), and is very sturdy! Very happy with this purchase. Highly recommend. We also found a matching desk!
Great buy.
Easy to put together! The price was great! Simple, just what I wanted to go in my sons room. Sturdy and holds up well! High enough off the brought to fit his toy bins under. My only wish is, I wish it had something to keep the bed in its place. Its slides a bit. Actually thinking of adding cabinet shelf slip guards underneath the mattress
Great bed for single people !
Its solid looks very modern easy to use has small hand tools for the different fasteners it has easy directions for assembling the bed just take your time another great thing it it come with extra fasteners and things like that in case you lose them some how would buy for kids and guess bed room or single guy minimalist if your 200lbs or more I would recommend a platform evade bed however its very sturdy and all steel so it shouldnt give a lot of trouble if you do sleep on it at that weight
Excellent Value!!
Ill be sleeping on this for many years to come as its easily large enough and sturdy enough for me, two small dogs, and a cat. Shipment was much faster than anticipated and assembly was a breeze, with only one hiccup. I struggled to screw in one bolt in for 10 minutes or so couldnt get it to grab so I went into the spare parts bag, found another, and it went in immediately. Instructions were clear, and this attractive bed was priced just right. Thanks!!
Nice for the price
Its a nice bed easy to assemble.I am very fulfilled
Dont attempt this if you dont have handyman skills
The design at the price is why I purchased this for my boy. It looks good and seems sturdy enough for a 6yo. I marked this down because my box was crushed and open. All the parts were just thrown in the box as if I was getting a returned item. The instructions were not difficult if youve built numerous other things. But the most difficult part of this was getting the headboard and footing on to the rails. The tolerance is tight. I had to use a lot of muscle to line the holes up. I got it and Im happy with it for the price paid.
I would not recommend it.
Bed frame looks aming, not so hard to put together BUT, I had the worst sleep, back pains sleeping with the bed frame. I have a 10 foam mattress is much better on the ground than on this bed frame. It stiffens the bed and It ruined the experience completely. Now my bed is back on the floor while I look for a better frame.
Very cute bed
Very easy to follow instructions for assembly. Sturdy bed for a great price! We got this for our toddler, but my husband lays down with him in it and I can sit on it to read to him at night, so its sturdy enough to hold an adult. The only thing Im unhappy with, is that the mattress slides around pretty easy, but its manageable.
Very impressive!
Easy to put together, took about an hour. The bed is very sturdy and looks very nice! Great buy!
Easy to assemble
Its a nice looking headboard. Very easy to put to gather by myself.
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