Easy to assemble as long as you follow the instructions step by step and take your time. A two/person build for sure. But its a great upgrade for a middle schoolers bedroom and my kid loves it.
This is a very nice bed BUT almost every piece was scratched. The worse is the desk. The scratch is right in the middle on top. Absolutely no way to hide this. Ridiculous for over 300. I will be contacting the manufacturer if nobody contacts me first.
My daughter is 143 lbs but she has no problem climbing up and sleeping. It it wobbly when climbing up and tossing but it held up well. Once you get used to that wobbliness, it doesnt bother much. I just wish that the ladder is a bit wider. It is located all the way to the edge and narrow so it is not easy to climb up if it is next to the wall.
Shakes a lot when going up or moving around the bed. Pretty sturdy otherwise. Its great for utilizing small spaces. Took me and hubby about 3 hours to assemble, definitely need 2 or more people assembling, instructions are easy to follow. Hubby and I both sleep on the bed, and its been good so far!
I literally live under this bed. I dont sleep in it as much because its in the guest room/study, but whenever we have a spat (my boyfriend and I), we have to beat the other to this bed. So thats saying a lot. My only worry is that its super shaky to get into and whether or not disassembly will be easy. We have curved stairs and can barely fit a full size box spring upstairs without forcing it through a window.
Great tween/teen loft bed
Easy to assemble as long as you follow the instructions step by step and take your time. A two/person build for sure. But its a great upgrade for a middle schoolers bedroom and my kid loves it.
Great buy
2/3 hours installation with assistantance, overall a very well made product, my son loves it
My son loves it.
I highly recommend it.
My son loves it
Great bed for a teenager!
Love the bed but just about every piece was damaged.
This is a very nice bed BUT almost every piece was scratched. The worse is the desk. The scratch is right in the middle on top. Absolutely no way to hide this. Ridiculous for over 300. I will be contacting the manufacturer if nobody contacts me first.
Damaged corner to big and heavy to try and return
Nice bed
My daughter is 143 lbs but she has no problem climbing up and sleeping. It it wobbly when climbing up and tossing but it held up well. Once you get used to that wobbliness, it doesnt bother much. I just wish that the ladder is a bit wider. It is located all the way to the edge and narrow so it is not easy to climb up if it is next to the wall.
Great for small spaces
Shakes a lot when going up or moving around the bed. Pretty sturdy otherwise. Its great for utilizing small spaces. Took me and hubby about 3 hours to assemble, definitely need 2 or more people assembling, instructions are easy to follow. Hubby and I both sleep on the bed, and its been good so far!
A little wobbly but great study area
I literally live under this bed. I dont sleep in it as much because its in the guest room/study, but whenever we have a spat (my boyfriend and I), we have to beat the other to this bed. So thats saying a lot. My only worry is that its super shaky to get into and whether or not disassembly will be easy. We have curved stairs and can barely fit a full size box spring upstairs without forcing it through a window.
Five Stars
Perfect for sleeping and doing homework and not worrying about monsters under the bed
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