Easy to put together if you follow directions, Dont tighten all screws until complete. Small hole in ring needs to face floor. Very pretty, and sturdy.
these are just so beautiful. they are super easy and fast to assemble and they are sooo comfortable! the velvet feels great and the color looks beautiful. super happy with this purchase.
Box only included hardware for one of the stools. Struggling with the seller to get the correct hardware to me. I contacted them and they sent the wrong hardware pack, and I no longer have the packaging to return it. The stool I did assemble is pretty, but I dont think the foam top will last long. The other one is currently useless, sitting disassembled under my bar until they get me the correct hardware. Not happy with this purchase.
Love these stools! They are 100 what I want aesthetically, they arent super sturdy so if you are over 250 lbs I would recommend ordering something a little sturdier.
We went with these chairs over the others we were considering because of the small footprint that they have. We also took a gamble with the green with the hope that they would match our kitchen cabinets / THEY MATCHED PERFECTLY! They are a bit more muted of a color than the picture shows which makes them feel less kiddish and more classy in my opinion. They are very lightweight, but the materials are very solid and very sturdy. Plenty of pad on the stool make these a comfy, sleek, and stylish addition to our living room bar!
I was shopping for barstools for about a month and these just happen to be the cutest and most affordable option. For around 50 a chair you cant go wrong. Assembly of all four took me under 30 minutes and there has been no wobbles or scratches to either the barstools or my flooring! Love them
I love these stools. These bar stools are well made, modern, and tall. Dont let the breakfast bar in my pictures distort how high these stools are. Im 55 and have to kind of hop up into them. They dont offer a way to shorten or heighten the stool. I love the clean modern look they offer.
These bar stools are beautiful and I love the teal color. I get sooo many compliments on them. Too bad they are not that comfortable and the seat is sort of hard. Luckily we dont get that much company to have to sit on them. But they are beautiful to look at and add a nice color to the room and kitchen bar.
Beautiful stools!
Easy to put together if you follow directions, Dont tighten all screws until complete. Small hole in ring needs to face floor. Very pretty, and sturdy.
Pop of color
Good quality.love the chairs.
Bar Height not Counter Height!
I love the chairs, only thing is its BARSTOOLS and I have countertop. So its a bit too high, but I love them anyway
such a great purchase!
these are just so beautiful. they are super easy and fast to assemble and they are sooo comfortable! the velvet feels great and the color looks beautiful. super happy with this purchase.
Did not include hardware
Box only included hardware for one of the stools. Struggling with the seller to get the correct hardware to me. I contacted them and they sent the wrong hardware pack, and I no longer have the packaging to return it. The stool I did assemble is pretty, but I dont think the foam top will last long. The other one is currently useless, sitting disassembled under my bar until they get me the correct hardware. Not happy with this purchase.
Beautiful stools
Love these stools! They are 100 what I want aesthetically, they arent super sturdy so if you are over 250 lbs I would recommend ordering something a little sturdier.
We went with these chairs over the others we were considering because of the small footprint that they have. We also took a gamble with the green with the hope that they would match our kitchen cabinets / THEY MATCHED PERFECTLY! They are a bit more muted of a color than the picture shows which makes them feel less kiddish and more classy in my opinion. They are very lightweight, but the materials are very solid and very sturdy. Plenty of pad on the stool make these a comfy, sleek, and stylish addition to our living room bar!
So cute and easy to assemble!
I was shopping for barstools for about a month and these just happen to be the cutest and most affordable option. For around 50 a chair you cant go wrong. Assembly of all four took me under 30 minutes and there has been no wobbles or scratches to either the barstools or my flooring! Love them
Gray Bar Stools are tall
I love these stools. These bar stools are well made, modern, and tall. Dont let the breakfast bar in my pictures distort how high these stools are. Im 55 and have to kind of hop up into them. They dont offer a way to shorten or heighten the stool. I love the clean modern look they offer.
Beautiful Teal Bar Stools
These bar stools are beautiful and I love the teal color. I get sooo many compliments on them. Too bad they are not that comfortable and the seat is sort of hard. Luckily we dont get that much company to have to sit on them. But they are beautiful to look at and add a nice color to the room and kitchen bar.
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