I have an open living area and this couch fits perfectly. Easy enough to assemble, though you definitely need two people to maneuver the seat onto the sides. Very sturdy. Comfortable enough; probably needs to be broken-in a bit because its pretty firm right now. Will be very easy to breakdown if I move. I have no complaints and am very pleased with this purchase.
This is a quality piece of furniture, its solid and well made. I love the look and style, clean, straight lines and the faux leather is better quality than I expected. I do have dogs so Im going to have to keep them off of it or cover it somehow. Its actually really comfortable to sit and lay on. Sturdy cushions! Its just so darn cute! Assembly is very easy but it was somewhat heavy for me but I was able to do it on my own. It looks great in my space, it goes with a lot of decors. It seems a little pricey but Its been awhile since I was shopping for furniture! All in all I am pleased and would recommend.
I just put this together, took about 20-30 minutes. Pros: it is small, looks nice, material is pretty good, nice firm seat cushions which I like, and the color is a really nice blue grey. Cons: in no way is this worth 500.00, maybe 300-maybe. Not a quality piece. Not sure how long it will last. There is a gap between the long back piece and the long bottom where you put the cushions-weird. The bottom back of the couch has a flap that attaches to the back of the arms by velcro, it looks really cheap because it does not line up well.
We are pretty happy with this little sofa in our small front living room/office. Its comfortable and nice looking. It can make you a little sweaty after sitting a while because its vinyl. But I have napped on it and its pretty cozy. Assembly was easy, and it came packaged well. I paid $500 in Jan 2022, which feels overpriced by about $100 for what it is, but everything is going that way out seems. It was the perfect length and style for what I needed, so I swallowed the price gouge.
Cute little couch. Legs are plastic not wood. Assembly requires a Phillips screwdriver or screw gun. Easy peasy to put together. Some minor damage from shipping. Cushions very firm, slightly wobbly/weak feeling due to design. But for a cute little office couch thats not planning on being slept on or sat on much, its spot on.
The sofa came in a big box and was left at the side of my house, so I had to have a friend help me bring it inside. Anyway, it was easy enough to put together and figure out the bed feature. Not the most comfortable couch or bed, but it is manageable looks nice and works well for my small space.
One arm arrived with huge dent in foam cushion. Im giving it a few days to see if it straightens itself out. If it doesnt, I have no idea how I can pursue replacement. Probably just tough luck.
Great couch for a small-ish LR
I have an open living area and this couch fits perfectly. Easy enough to assemble, though you definitely need two people to maneuver the seat onto the sides. Very sturdy. Comfortable enough; probably needs to be broken-in a bit because its pretty firm right now. Will be very easy to breakdown if I move. I have no complaints and am very pleased with this purchase.
Comfortable and easy to assemble
Starting to get my living room in order and this is a nice addition I like the quality and its comfortable.
Very cute, comfortable loveseat
This is a quality piece of furniture, its solid and well made. I love the look and style, clean, straight lines and the faux leather is better quality than I expected. I do have dogs so Im going to have to keep them off of it or cover it somehow. Its actually really comfortable to sit and lay on. Sturdy cushions! Its just so darn cute! Assembly is very easy but it was somewhat heavy for me but I was able to do it on my own. It looks great in my space, it goes with a lot of decors. It seems a little pricey but Its been awhile since I was shopping for furniture! All in all I am pleased and would recommend.
Not worth 499.00
I just put this together, took about 20-30 minutes. Pros: it is small, looks nice, material is pretty good, nice firm seat cushions which I like, and the color is a really nice blue grey. Cons: in no way is this worth 500.00, maybe 300-maybe. Not a quality piece. Not sure how long it will last. There is a gap between the long back piece and the long bottom where you put the cushions-weird. The bottom back of the couch has a flap that attaches to the back of the arms by velcro, it looks really cheap because it does not line up well.
Cute little sofa
We are pretty happy with this little sofa in our small front living room/office. Its comfortable and nice looking. It can make you a little sweaty after sitting a while because its vinyl. But I have napped on it and its pretty cozy. Assembly was easy, and it came packaged well. I paid $500 in Jan 2022, which feels overpriced by about $100 for what it is, but everything is going that way out seems. It was the perfect length and style for what I needed, so I swallowed the price gouge.
Fine for the price
Cute little couch. Legs are plastic not wood. Assembly requires a Phillips screwdriver or screw gun. Easy peasy to put together. Some minor damage from shipping. Cushions very firm, slightly wobbly/weak feeling due to design. But for a cute little office couch thats not planning on being slept on or sat on much, its spot on.
Nice-looking and functional, though not particularly comfortable.
The sofa came in a big box and was left at the side of my house, so I had to have a friend help me bring it inside. Anyway, it was easy enough to put together and figure out the bed feature. Not the most comfortable couch or bed, but it is manageable looks nice and works well for my small space.
Perfect for small offices
No assembly required. Looks great in small offices and is comfortable. worth every penny
perfect for small apartment
One arm arrived with huge dent in foam cushion. Im giving it a few days to see if it straightens itself out. If it doesnt, I have no idea how I can pursue replacement. Probably just tough luck.
Very happy with this purchase. Looks just like the advertised photo. Perfect for a small living room great product!
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